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Saw this article still not back to the dissertation proposal, teacher also can't help you


Written in the front: let's learn about the opening report of related structures,

Dissertation title: (1) the name is the name of the subject

First, name to accurate, specifications, accurate is the name of the paper to the paper research the problem of what is, what is the object of study indicate, the name of the paper must be consistent with the content and research, cannot too big, also cannot too small, to accurately object of your study, the problems come out,

Second, the names should be concise, not too long, whether paper or subject, name is not too long, the words can not to just try not to, generally not more than 20 words,

(2) the paper studies the purpose and significance

Research purpose, meaning, that is, why do you want to study, study what is the value of it, it can generally from the aspects of reality need to first, this paper points out that the real existence of this problem, need to study, to solve, this paper studies what is the actual effect, then, to write thesis theoretical and academic value, these will be written specifically targeted, can't just sloganeering aimlessly, main content includes: (1) study on background (topic) : namely, according to what is what inspired and get into the study, (2) through the analysis of local (school) education teaching practice, points out why want to research the topic, the value of the study, the problem to be solved,

(3) in this paper the history and status quo of domestic and foreign research (literature review)

Specification of the opening report should have a literature review, if it is a small topic can omit the part, literature review generally includes: the research of breadth, depth and has achieved; Problems for further study, so as to determine the platform (starting point) of this topic research, the research of characteristic or a breakthrough point,

(4) the paper studies the guiding ideology of

Guiding ideology is what should adhere to the direction in the macro, conform to the requirements, etc., this direction or request can be philosophical, political theory, also can be the government's education development plan, also can be a guidance of related research question,

(5) the goal of writing

Essay writing goal is to subject the last to achieve the specific purpose; What specific problem to solve, that is, to achieve the intended target of this thesis research, is also the goal of this thesis writing, to stick to subject, target words to be accurate, concise, clear,

The research target of common existence the question is: do not write; Target KouTi not tight; Target inaccurate wording; Of the scheduled target aiming too high, no study or research,

Determine the writing goal, on the one hand, want to consider the requirements of the subject itself, on the other hand, should study rate is the actual working conditions and the level of job,

(6) paper, the basic content of the

Research content to be more specific, clear, and a target may be done by several aspects of the research content, goal and the content is not necessarily one-to-one relationship, everyone in determining the research content of time, usually is not very specific, write out the research content of special and general, fuzzy, the writing purpose, significance as the research content,

Basic content generally includes: (1) the paper define name, should be defined as three points: the research object, research question, research method, (2) theory, this essay writing are noun, terminology, define the concept of

(7) the method of essay writing

Specific writing method can be selected from below: observation method, survey method, experimental method, experience summary method, case method, comparative research, literature, etc.,

(8) of essay writing steps

Essay writing steps, that is, writing on the time and sequence arrangement, essay writing steps, we must give full consideration to the degree of difficulty of the interaction of the research content and, in general, starts from the basic problem, in stages, each stage from what time to start, what time to end all want to has a regulation, the main steps of the thesis and schedule including: which studied in the paper is divided into several stages. The time of beginning and ending each stage,

Let's learn about the opening report of specific what are the five research method,

(a) survey method and experimental method

Survey: survey method is one of the most commonly used method in scientific research, it is a purposeful, planned, systematic gathering on the status of the research object reality or historical materials, the method of survey method is the basic research method is commonly used in scientific research, it integrated use of historical method, the methods of observation and conversation, questionnaire, case study, test and other scientific way, to systematic education phenomenon, thorough and system, and the survey collected a large number of data analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, so as to provide people with regularity of knowledge,

Survey method is the most commonly used in questionnaire survey, it is based on written questions way of data collection a research method, namely the investigators can survey project into table type, distribution or by post to the relevant personnel, instruct fill in the answers, and then recycling arrangement, statistics and research,

Experiment method, experimental method is through the main changes, control the object of study to find and confirm the things of the causal relationship between a scientific research method and its main features are: first, active transforming, observation and investigation are not to interfere in the object of study on the premise of understanding the object of study, found the problem, and the experiment is for active manipulation of the experimental conditions, to artificially change the way the existence of the object, the change process, and make it subject to the need of scientific understanding, the second, control, scientific experiments required according to the needs of research, using various methods and techniques, to reduce or eliminate the interference of various factors may influence the science has nothing to do, in a simplified, purification knowledge under the state of the research object, the third, causality, experiment to discover, validate the causal relationship between things effective tools and necessary way,

(2) normative research and empirical research

Rejection value judgment empirical research methods, normative research method is based on the value judgment,

Normative research methods: normative research method on the basis of some kind of value judgment, explain economic phenomena and their operation should be about what, normative research method objective phenomenon is: the purpose of the study put forward certain standards as the premise of economic theory, and to the standards as the basis of economic policy, and research how to make the operation of the economic phenomenon or implementing these standards,

Normative research method on the basis of some kind of value judgment, to solve the objective economic phenomenon "what should be" problem, namely, to explain the study object itself is good or bad, has a positive or negative significance for society, normative research method research starting point and end-result of the economic phenomenon is closely related to the value judgment, normative research method, is based on value judgment to study the economic phenomena, and research how to implement the above standard,

Empirical approach: an empirical study is a special form of scientific practice research, based on the needs of the existing science theory and practice, put forward to design, use of scientific instruments and equipment, under natural conditions, through purposeful manipulation in a phased manner, according to the observation records, consistent with the measured phenomena change to determine the causal relationship between the phenomena of the conditions and activities, main purpose is to explain all kinds of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables and one

Empirical approach is an objective phenomenon, know to reality, useful, sure, precise knowledge of research methods, the focus is the phenomenon itself, "what is the problem of" empirical approach attempts to transcend or rejection value judgment, only revealing the objective phenomena to the universal connections, internal factors and factors of the nature of the phenomenon of summary and operation rules,

Empirical approach steps: (1) determine the study object, the factors to analysis the research object, mutual relationship and influence factors, collection and classification of the relevant facts, (2) setting assumptions, in the process of research, the research object of behavior is determined by its characteristics, trying to include all complex factors, is obviously unrealistic and impossible, therefore, must set a theory the conditions used for, of course, some hypothesis conditions are unrealistic, but there is no assumptions are unable to do scientific research, using the empirical approach research problem, must be set correct assumptions, (3) put forward the theoretical hypothesis, the hypothesis is objective research for the phenomenon of temporary conclusion, the conclusion of which is not proven, hypothesis, empirical generalization and summarization of the research object, but also can not make it become a universal theory, (4), in different conditions and different time of hypothesis test, test it out with the facts correctly or not, check the hypothesis on the sports development of phenomena including applied to forecasting the,

(3) the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis

Quantitative analysis: in scientific research, through quantitative analysis method can make people further accurate understanding of research objects, so that more scientifically reveal rule, grasp the essence, the clear relationship, forecast the development trend of things,

Qualitative analysis, qualitative analysis is the object of study on "quality" aspects of the analysis, specifically using inductive and deductive, analysis and synthesis as well as the method to abstract and generalize, to obtain a variety of materials processing of thinking, to pursuit, the true, by extension, its excellent, to know things, reveals inherent law,

Literature synthesis and case study method (4)

Literature synthesis method: literature research is based on certain research purpose or subject, through the investigation and literature to get the information, so as to comprehensively and correctly understand the master problem study a kind of method, literature research quilt is widely used in various disciplines in the study, its functions are: (1) to understand the history and status quo of relevant issues, to help determine the research topic, (2) can form a general impression about the object of study, help observation and visit, (3) can get real data comparison of data, (4) helps to understand the whole picture of things,

Case study method, case study method is that the object of study of a particular object, and tries to research and analysis, find out the characteristics and the forming process of a research method, case studies have three basic types: (1) personal investigation, namely the organization of a particular study; (2) groups, namely the investigation and study for an organization or group; (3) the problem investigation, that is, to study a phenomenon or problem,

(5) interdisciplinary study

Using multidisciplinary theory, method and results on the whole the method of comprehensive study of a subject, also known as the "intersection method", the scientific development of sport law indicates that science in highly differentiated and highly integrated, forming a unified whole, according to experts, in the world now has 2000 a variety of disciplines, and discipline differentiation trend still growing, but at the same time, the relationship between various disciplines more and more closely, the language, methods and concepts, have increasingly trend of unification,

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