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Cloud server + ZeroTier different components LAN (build Moon)


Recently have been trying all kinds of network transmission scheme, the first kind of plan is a cloud server + Frp, but you need to do port forwarding; The second kind of plan is a cloud server + ZeroTier One component LAN (100 nodes) for free, but there is a problem is ZeroTier One's own server access speed is slow, in a foreign country can build domestic Moon services to accelerate to solve the problem of low connection

Two kinds of schemes require a fixed IP networks outside of the server, can apply for free https://www.sanfengyun.com account registered in three fonee cloud server,

Below is the configuration of the Moon steps (Linux) :

1, install the moon, zerotier official provided more convenient installation, a command to complete:

The curl -s https://install.zerotier.com/| sudo bash

2. Generate the moon configuration file

CD/var/lib/zerotier - onesudo zerotier - idtool initmoon identity. The public & gt; Moon. Json

3. Modify the configuration file moon. Json, mainly to add public IP, modify the content as follows, 9993 is the default port

Vim moon. Json # find corresponding row change content "stableEndpoints:" [] ""

Note: for public IP, must be properly configured, Zerotier rely on this configuration to connect moon. At the back of the port without changing the default port 9993, and is the UDP protocol, here in the firewall need to open the UDP, otherwise the connection is not on the moon

4. Generate moon files

Sudo zerotier - idtool genmoon moon. Json

After executing the command, can be in the/var/lib/zerotier - one directory to generate a similar 000000 XXXXX. Moon file

5. The moon effective configuration file:

In/var/lib/zerotier - one directory, create a new moons. D folder, and will have just generated moon configuration files in the folder

00000018 mv fasd2319. Moon moons. D/

6. Restart the moon server, as a result of using the command to install automatically registered as a service, so can be depended on to do the following command to start or restart

# service zerotier - one restart service restart command

After the above configuration, the moon on the server configuration and application of the closed.

7. Client connection and use the Moon on the server

Directly in zerotier directory, create a moons. D folder, and will generate 000000 XXXXXXXX. Kao into moon files, and restart the service can be

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