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How to choose the suitable micromotion flowmeter diameter size


Hey, your little control in the housekeeper come! Everyone know, Emerson mass flowmeter, namely micromotion flowmeter, it is in the process of measuring instrument coefficient of won't be affected by measuring dielectric property, thus can be applied to all kinds of scope,

But due to the liquid, gas velocity range of difference is very big, lead to frequency range difference is very big also, in the process of vortex signal amplifier circuit, filter passband is different, also different circuit parameters, therefore, the same circuit parameters can not be used in measurement of different media, even as gas or liquid, steam), as the medium pressure, temperature, density is different, use different flow range, signal strength is different, also want to change the circuit parameters, micromotion flowmeter to modify the hardware or software, the calibre of the instrument are also need to make the corresponding adjustment,

Micromotion flowmeter must first determine the choice of nominal diameter measuring medium volume flow range under the working conditions, and calculate the actual measured flow range of pipe diameter, if the measured medium condition flow range corresponding to the diameter of actual measured flow range selection and match of the same size of tube diameter flowmeter can, if the corresponding diameter actual measured flow range can not meet the requirements of minimum flow is to reduce the diameter to accounting, if the corresponding diameter actual measured flow range can not meet the requirement of maximum flow rate will increase diameter be restated,

If only know the quality of the measured medium flow or volume flow under standard conditions, should be converted to the micromotion flowmeter under the condition of first volume flow and accounting and the actual measured flow range of phase contrast, the current content here,

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