Home > other >  Oligo analysis Affy chip, in P/A filter using paCalls function error, forget the great spirit
Oligo analysis Affy chip, in P/A filter using paCalls function error, forget the great spirit


The library (" oligoClasses ")
Setwd (" E: \ \ R \ \ Rdirectory - Rbooks \ \ the downloaded data GSE65626 - GPL17586 \ \ GSE65626_RAW \ \ glioma - normal - 1 ")
The library (" oligo ")
Data. The dir & lt; - "E: \ \ R \ \ Rdirectory - Rbooks \ \ the downloaded data GSE65626 - GPL17586 \ \ GSE65626_RAW \ " glioma - normal - 1
(celfiles & lt; - list. Files (data. Dir))
Library (pd) the hta) "2.0")
Data. The raw & lt; - read. Celfiles (" E: \ \ R \ \ Rdirectory - Rbooks \ \ the downloaded data GSE65626 - GPL17586 \ \ GSE65626_RAW \ \ glioma - normal - 1 "=file. The path (data. Dir, celfiles))
Treats & lt; - strsplit (" G G G N N N ", "") [[1]]
(snames & lt; - paste (treats, 1:3, sep=""))
SampleNames (data. Raw) & lt; - snames
PData (data. Raw) $index & lt; - treats
SampleNames (data. Raw)
PData (data. Raw)
Data. The eset & lt; - the rma (data. Raw)
Data. Exprs & lt; - exprs (data. Eset)
STR (data. Exprs)
The head (data. Exprs)

Calls & lt; - oligo: : paCalls (data. Raw)
The Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
Unable to find an inherited method for function for 'paCalls' signature' "HTAFeatureSet"
Xpa & lt; - paCalls (data. Raw)
The Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
Unable to find an inherited method for function for 'paCalls' signature' "HTAFeatureSet"
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