Home > other >  About the use of COM components makepy. Py intermediate generated file how to do
About the use of COM components makepy. Py intermediate generated file how to do


Makepy. Py will pop-up window, choose to use the component will be generated after some files
__pycache__ folder
Just set p y
Ceb0 2206-19 c1-11 e0 d1-89-00 c04fd7a829x0x1x0. Py like with CLID named
Dicts. Dat don't know what to do with

The problem is that how to use, there are examples? I put the name of the longest renamed in catalog, it is wrong to use in class, search of all copy each other's things, not dry

Can have a best example
Attach the middle layer generated code, can see function here are all components of
 # - * - coding: MBCS - * - 
# Created by makepy. Py version 0.5.01
# By python version 3.5.4 (v3.5.4:3 f56838, Aug 8, 2017, 02:07:06) [MSC v. 1900 32 bit (Intel)]
# the From a type library 'oledb32. DLL'
# On Wed Aug 30 13:28:14 2017
'Microsoft OLE DB Service Component 1.0 Type Library'
Python_version=0 x30504f0

The import win32com. Client. CLSIDToClass pythoncom, pywintypes
The import win32com. Client. Util
The from pywintypes import IID
The from win32com. Client import Dispatch

# The following 3 lines may need tweaking The for The particular server
# Candidates are pythoncom. Missing,. The Empty and. ArgNotFound
DefaultNamedOptArg=pythoncom. Empty
DefaultNamedNotOptArg=pythoncom. Empty
DefaultUnnamedArg=pythoncom. Empty

Clsids=IID (' {ceb0 2206-19 c1-11 e0 d1-89-00 c04fd7a829} ')
The LCID=0 x0

The from win32com. Client import DispatchBaseClass
The class IDataSourceLocator (DispatchBaseClass) :
'Microsoft OLE DB Service Component Automation Interface'
Clsids=IID (' {ccb2 2206-19 c1-11 e0 d1-89-00 c04fd7a829} ')
Coclass_clsid=IID (' {cdb2 2206-19 c1-11 e0 d1-89-00 c04fd7a829} ')

Def PromptEdit (self, ppADOConnection=defaultNamedNotOptArg) :
Return the self. _ApplyTypes_ (1610743811, 1 (11, 0), (16393, 3), (), 'PromptEdit, None, ppADOConnection

Def PromptNew (self) :
Ret=self. _oleobj_. InvokeTypes (1610743810, LCID, 1, (9, 0), (),)
If ret is not None:
Ret=Dispatch (ret, 'PromptNew, None)
Return ret

"HWnd" : (1610743808, 2, 3, 0), (), "hWnd", None),
"HWnd" : ((1610743808, LCID, 4, 0), ()),
Def __iter__ (self) :
"Return a Python iterator for this object"
Ob=self. _oleobj_. InvokeTypes (4, LCID, 3, (13, 10), ())
Except pythoncom. Error:
Raise TypeError (" This object does not support enumeration ")
Return win32com. Client. Util. Iterator (ob, None)

The from win32com. Client import CoClassBaseClass
# This CoClass is known by the name 'DataLinks'
The class DataLinks (CoClassBaseClass) : # A CoClass
# Microsoft OLE DB Service Component Data Link
Clsids=IID (' {cdb2 2206-19 c1-11 e0 d1-89-00 c04fd7a829} ')

# This CoClass is known by the name '1' MSDASC. MSDAINITIALIZE.
The class MSDAINITIALIZE (CoClassBaseClass) : # A CoClass
# Microsoft OLE DB Service Component Initialization Component
Clsids=IID (' {cdb0 2206-19 c1-11 e0 d1-89-00 c04fd7a829} ')

# This CoClass is known by the name '1' MSDASC. The PDPO.
The class PDPO (CoClassBaseClass) : # A CoClass
# Persisted the Datasource/Pooling Object
IID clsids=(' {CCB4EC60 - B9DC - 11 d1 - AC80-00 a0c9034873} ')

# This CoClass is known by the name '1' MSDAURL. Binder.
The class RootBinder (CoClassBaseClass) : # A CoClass
# Microsoft OLE DB Root Binder
Clsids=IID (' {FF151822 - B0BF - 11 - A80D d1-000000000000} ')

((' Authenticate ', 'PHWND', 'pszUsername', 'pszPassword'), 1610678272, (1610678272, (), [
(36, 2, None, None), (16415, 2, None, None), (16415, 2, None, None),], 1, 1, 4, 0, 12, (3, 0, None, None), 0,)),

((' RemoteBind ', 'pUnkOuter', 'pwszURL', 'dwBindURLFlags',' rguid,
'riid', 'pAuthenticate', 'pSessionUnkOuter', 'piid', 'ppSession'
'pdwBindStatus',' ppUnk '), 1610678272, (1610678272, (), [(13, 1, None, None), (31, 1, None, None),
(19, 1, None, None), (36, 1, None, None), (36, 1, None, None), (13, 1, None, "IID (' {8 c82 eac9d0 - ce BAF9-11-79-00 aa004ba90b} ')"), (13, 1, None, None),
(36, 1, None, None), (16397, 3, None, None), (16403, 3, None, None), (16397, 2, None, None),], 1, 1, 4, 0, 12, (3, 0, None, None), 0,)),

((' RemoteCreateRow ', 'pUnkOuter', 'pwszURL', 'dwBindURLFlags',' rguid,
'riid', 'pAuthenticate', 'pSessionUnkOuter', 'piid', 'ppSession'
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