The import cv2
# read source map
Img=cv2. Imread (" 1. JPG ")
Cv2. NamedWindow (" image ", 0)
Cv2. Imshow (' image 'img)
Imgray=cv2. CvtColor (img, cv2 COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
Ret, binary=cv2. Threshold (imgray, 127255, cv2. THRESH_BINARY)
# for contour
Contours, hierarchy=cv2. FindContours (binary, cv2. RETR_TREE, cv2 CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# draw the outline of different
For contour in contours:
If len (contour) & gt; 50:
Img=cv2. DrawContours (img, contour, 1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
# display and save the results
Cv2. Imshow (contour " ", img)
Cv2. WaitKey (0)
Cv2. DestroyAllWindows ()
CodePudding user response:
Their top, which can help look at it?