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The advantage of the PCB


The PCB's unique advantages:
(1) can be limited, for decades, with high density PCB can enhance integrated circuit integration and installation technology progress and development,
(2) high reliability, through a series of inspection, test and aging test to ensure the PCB (life, generally for 20 years) for a long time and work reliably,
(3) can be devised, and various performance of PCB (electrical, physical, chemical, machinery, etc.), can through the design standardization, standardization, to implement the PCB design, time is short, high efficiency,
(4) can be productive, adopt the modern management, to standardize, size (quantity), automation of production, ensure product quality consistency,
5 testability, established a relatively complete testing methods, test standard, all kinds of test equipment and instruments to detect and identify PCB products eligibility and service life,
6 can be assembled, convenient for various components for PCB product standardization assembly, and can be automated, large-scale batch production, at the same time, the PCB and components assembly parts can be assembled to form larger parts, system, until the whole machine,
All landowners maintainability, due to the PCB products and a variety of components assemblies in standardized design and mass production, therefore, these components are standardized, so, once the system failure, can fast, convenient, flexible for replacement, quickly restore service system work, of course, can also be cited more some, such as make the system miniaturization, lightweight, high speed signal transmission, such as
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