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Henan province ordinary university master of Shanghai to apply for a job


导读:作为一名应届毕业生,第一份工作的选择对于我们来说至关重要,行业的选择(人工智能,大数据,房地产,新能源汽车等)决定了我们近几年甚至几十年都要与之打交道,公司的背景作为我们的第二学历,很大程度上影响了我们以后是否有更好的平台,应届生工作的头几年,如果你一开始选择了错误的行业,这时,你已经三十多了,再转行,你会发现基本上已经不可能(如果你想做最底层的人,那是可以的),首先谈谈战绩,没有成绩一切都是空谈,笔者在上海待了二十几天,面了18家公司(6家社招,12家校招),拿到6++offer,其中包括,研究所(国企-大数据运维-12k-安排落户),上市公司(国企-无人驾驶软件开发-10k-安排落户),大中小型公司(新能源汽车,短距离无线通信,商用大飞机,电子音乐开发等嵌入式软件开发-8~9k),薪资从刚开始的8k要到12k,应届毕业生薪资要到12k已经提不上去了,后期参加的面试就开始问给不给安排户口, 笔者主要讲述应届生找工作时所面临的若干问题,主要包括:找工作的时间,如何写好个人简历,如何与985,211毕业生同台竞争,如何从容应对面试官所提问题等,以下为笔者的实战心得,如果你对本文有任何意见,欢迎留言,后附个人简历,
1 start looking for a job confused
The author in this, we are taught in mining safety, research are associated with coal, but not interested to this, the author like software development, wireless communications, artificial intelligence, unmanned, therefore, the author learned during college some associated with these knowledge, took part in a competition based on embedded software development, also got good grades, in the face of 5 g technology step by step into the commercial, the author realized that the era of Internet of things has come, the author chose two directions: JAVA back-end and embedded software development, brush with a month's time, is the JAVA software programming,
2. Resume to attend on BOSS club called
Preliminary ready to resume and a roommate came to Shanghai to look for a job, at that time already on November 10th, has missed the best time to find a job in September to October (), because I have a competition based on embedded software development experience, C has had an secondary certificates, resume their appearance is very good (the author phylogeny based on Photoshop as late, late business), the first two weeks have a resume, mainly on the BOSS to get several interviews, interview, do a set of C language exam, after the written by technical director ask some technical problems, and then ask can work now, how much salary expectation, two weeks did not even see the personnel manager, can be said to be rebuffed, two weeks, you have an interview for an interview during the day, if not review the C language, modify the resume, summarizes the questions the interviewer asked, two weeks later realized final-year students to participate in the club is not enough, began to turn to go to school,
3. In Shanghai colleges large fairs
After two weeks of the club for technical director "baptism", a few years, it's no use C language based on embedded communication protocol, basic knowledge of ARM kernel again picked up, resume template (proficient in Photoshop, their resume is very delicate, if Hr to see your resume, shine at the moment, lest flyblown he got your CV, means that your resume has been very successful) also has carried on the fine adjustment, the original two job direction of JAVA back-end and embedded software development, because the only embedded development experience, gave up the JAVA development duty, to resume to modify, refinement of embedded basic ability, their own experience to refine the contest, as far as possible let each Hr can understand it, thus begins in Shanghai universities recruitment,
Use the keyword search in baidu, "Shanghai college campus recruitment in November," recruitment record the time and place, to print a good resume (a few down, money is printed resume has more than 100, color printing a one dollar), began to attend school, not the kui is a metropolis - Shanghai talents and resources, 1000 + + application technology university, Shanghai company, I am crazy with my roommate in resume, more than three hours of time, 20 resumes the basic shots, found himself after a layer, a layer above hasn't started yet, companies have to start out, regret one go too slow, and Hr small sister chatted too long, Shanghai jiaotong university (985), the most impressive job fairs, although only 500 + + companies, but the company's background is really strong, isn't is listed companies, state-owned enterprises and central China normal university, Shanghai university, double cease day resume, Monday will start turning units interview notice (when you are out of your resume to call you, there are many units do you resume has been very successful), on Monday afternoon, the remaining basic all lined with four days of travel, not every day in the interview, is in the way of interview, sometimes at noon in order to catch the time, can't eat lunch,
4. How to compete with 985211 graduates the same post
Informed the right company, so congratulations you stand in the Angle of the company to you and match the position, the rest you have ability to get the jobs (often a good company, a good job, the company will face 5 ~ 15 people, choose the best), which requires we have a solid basic skills, also need the following abilities: rich life experience, strong ability of logical thinking, strong ability of expression, understand sense motive, can pass the interviewer's subtle movement, judge his inner thoughts, is good at make force, proper rhetorical question, the control is the most important, of course, want to let the interviewer follow your train of thought, this is the most important, the following by the author (soes), close to the company to analyze how to use these methods, of course I got the offer of the company,
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