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Bar decorate need to know about these problems


A bar owner bar will be focused on design style,
The first: personbor safety factor
Bar is typically gather more people in the evening, most of the night light is not very good, so people in bar design must will be safe - exports into consideration, and emergency channel nip in the bud, let the customer enjoy relaxed mood,
The second: the space distribution
Each bar is a certain space, how to let in a specific space can accommodate the number of people, the more it is bar owner to decorate a design in one of the most concern, inexpensive bar design like bar can be divided into several areas to let everyone have a sense of rooms, their own private space not interference,
Third: decorate colour collocation
People are very sensitive to colour at the same time, the mood will be affected by the color, because the color itself is a kind of silent language, the color of the bar in harmony with the way of daylighting is likely to become the ideal deserve to act the role of space, make people more willing to come to the bar to relax moment,
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