Home > other >  SSL do_handshake () abnormal OpenSSL. SSL. SysCallError: (104, 'ECONNRESET) how to solve
SSL do_handshake () abnormal OpenSSL. SSL. SysCallError: (104, 'ECONNRESET) how to solve


Recent research RDP protocol, with the great spirit of writing code, local run, error message OpenSSL. SSL. SysCallError: (104, 'ECONNRESET), see the exception in the TLS. Do_handshake is reported to the (), bother you, how to solve?
Source code path https://github.com/n1xbyte/CVE-2019-0708 poc. Py

S=socket. The socket ()
S.c onnect ((host, 3389))
S.s endall (TPKT getData ())
PKT=s.r ecv (8192)

CTX=SSL. The Context (SSL. TLSv1_METHOD)
TLS=SSL Connection (CTX, s)
The TLS. Set_connect_state ()
The TLS. Do_handshake ()
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