Home > other >  Anaconda3 use pyside2 development interface, pyinstaller packaging, CMD show "ImportError"
Anaconda3 use pyside2 development interface, pyinstaller packaging, CMD show "ImportError"


(base) C: \ python_qt_work \ first \ dist \ stats> Stats. Exe
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "stats. Py, line 8, the in & lt; module>
The File "c: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site - packages \ PyInstaller \ loader \ pyimod03_importers py", line 623, in exec_module
Exec (the bytecode, the module __dict__)
The File "site - packages \ PySide2 \ set py", line 92, in & lt; module>
The File "site - packages \ PySide2 \ set py", line, 54 in _setupQtDirectories
The File "site - packages \ PySide2 \ set py", line 22, in _additional_dll_directories
ImportError: C: \ python_qt_work \ first \ dist \ shiboken2 \ libshiboken does not exist
[8256] Failed to execute the script stats

Brothers, do you have any solution, it is my pyinstaller is there a problem? As long as the packaging, run the EXE file, CMD will quote this, search for related libshiboken, found no problems can be solved,

CodePudding user response:

After installation anaconda pyside2, by default, should be in C: \ Program Files \ Anaconda3 \ Lib \ site - packages below a certain pyside2 folder,
CMD, development environment (such as intellij) after the restart, compilation should be no problem again,

Of course your environment variables, lib to point to package installation folder
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