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Imitation of today's headlines Gfast CMS website open source sharing!


Gfast open source, CMS management module has been favored by people like, so I had a friend suggested a CMS front for everyone to learn to use, however, due to recent events, so have not been able to timely treatment, today finally put all the front-end processing is completed, you can go to download study!

Yards cloud backend address: tiger1103/gfast

Yards cloud front end address: tiger1103/gfast - UI

Making the backend address: https://github.com/tiger1103/gfast

Making the front address: tiger1103/gfast - UI

Introduction of platform
The background management system based on GF (Go Frame)
Front the ruoyi - UI, Vue, Element UI,
The back-end using the GO language framework GF (GO Frame),
The project by the dispatch team development of science and technology,
The built-in function
User management: the user is the system operator, the function is mainly to complete the system user configuration,
Department management: the configuration system organization (company, department, team), tree structure to show support for data access,
Post management: the configuration system user belongs to positions,
Menu management: the configuration system menu, permissions, operation button permissions identification, etc.,
Role management, role menu authority allocation, set permissions role data range according to agency,
Dictionary management: often use some of the more fixed in the system data maintenance,
Parameter management: commonly used on the system dynamic configuration parameters,
Operation logs: log and query the system normal operation; System logging and exception information query,
Login logs: abnormal log query contains the login the system login,
Online users: the current state of active users in the system monitoring,
Timing task: online (add, modify, and delete) task scheduling contains the execution result log,
Code generation: front end code generation,
Service monitoring: monitoring the system CPU, memory, disk, stack and other related information,
Online builder: drag the form elements to generate the corresponding HTML code,
File upload, cache tags, etc.,
The CMS management, model management, the workflow engine
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