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The mechanical optical switch & amp; MEMS optical switch


Optical fiber communication systems, Optical Switch, Optical Switch, OS) mainly use Yu Guanglu of Optical signals in the physical Switch, or other logical operations, multi-purpose light Cross connection propsed (Optical Cross connect) technology as the key light path switching devices,

Optical switch has one or more optional transmission window, can be divided into 2 x 2, 1 * N, M * N port configuration in the form, and optical switch has been widely used in optical fiber communication system, its implementation techniques are diverse, including: the mechanical optical switch, heat light switch, light switch, electro-optic switches, magnetic switches, liquid crystal optical switch and MEMS optical switch, etc., including mechanical optical switch and MEMS optical switch is the widely used two kinds of optical switch,

The working principle of mechanical optical switch is use machinery physically move fiber to redirect the light signal, by moving a prism or directional coupler, the light guide at the input output port, you need mechanical optical switch points there are mainly three types: one is the prism light path switching technology, the second is the reflector switch technology, three is by moving the fiber optic light path switching,

The mechanical optical switch

MEMS optical switch is based on micro machine electricity system (micro - company - mechanical system), the optical micro lens or optical lens array wei to change the direction of propagation of the light beam to create the light path switching, MEMS optical switch principle is very simple, when in optical switching, driven by electrostatic force or magnetic power, move or change the Angle of the MEMS micromirror, the input light switch to the different output end of the optical switch to realize light path switching on and off, and its principle diagram as shown in the figure below:

Working principle of the MEMS optical switch

Optical switch based on MEMS technology 2 x 2 port as shown, the principle of the four optical waveguide is set in the four directions, a vertical direction of MEMS micromirror was set to 45 degree Angle, when the mirror was not involved in the light path, from 1 and 2 respectively coupled to the light beam waveguide 3 and 4, the port connection status for 1 to 3 and 2, 4, this is a direct state; When micro mirror inserted into the optical path, light from a waveguide 1 and 2 by the micro mirror reflection, coupled to the port 4 and 3 respectively, the port connection status for 1-4 and 2-3, this is a cross state,

The working principle of 2 x 2 port MEMS optical switch, left: direct state, the right: cross state

MEMS optical switch

MEMS optical switch & amp; Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical optical switch contrast

With the rapid development of optical communication, as the optical network node of optical interconnection and optical switching status more and more important, the application of optical switch is becoming more and more widely, MEMS optical switch with a compact, switching speed, the advantages of easy to extend, at the same time has a mechanical optical switch of low insertion loss, low crosstalk, low polarization sensitivity, high extinction ratio and waveguide switch of high switching speed, small volume, easy to the advantages of large scale integration, will be a big exchange capacity of the optical switch is the mainstream of development direction,

Hundred million source through independent research and development of MEMS optical switch series products, with a 1 x 2, 1 x 4, 1 * N channel form, highest can be extended to 1 x 48 channels, low power consumption, can be integrated, fast response speed, cost reduction, to customers bring more market, hundred million source headquarters is located in qingyuan, we have r&d center in wuhan and shenzhen, with more than 1000 employees, has more than 20 years of OEM, ODM experience, provide optical communication of optical passive components design, research and development, manufacturing one-stop customized service,
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