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Run Python attributes mistakes


AttributeError Traceback (the most recent call last)

6 the from lasagne. The layers import InputLayer DenseLayer, NonlinearityLayer
- & gt; 7 the from lasagne. The layers. The import within DNN Conv2DDNNLayer as ConvLayer
8 the from lasagne. The layers import Pool2DLayer as PoolLayer
9 the from lasagne. Nonlinearities import softmax

E: \ python \ lib \ site - packages, lasagne, the layers, within DNN. Py in & lt; module>
1 the import theano
- & gt; 2 the from theano. Sandbox. Cuda import within DNN
4 the from.. The import init
5 the from.. The import nonlinearities

E: \ python \ lib \ site - packages \ theano, sandbox, cuda, set py in & lt; module>
57 # is_nvcc_available called here to initialize global vars in
58 # nvcc_compiler module
- & gt; 59 nvcc_compiler. Is_nvcc_available ()
61 # Compile cuda_ndarray. Cu

E: \ python \ lib \ site - packages \ theano \ sandbox \ cuda \ nvcc_compiler py in is_nvcc_available ()
29 "" "
- & gt; 30 the if not config. Cuda. Enabled:
31 return False

AttributeError: 'SubObj' object has no attribute 'enabled'

This is an installation package, how can attribute mistakes? O great god answer
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