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The iOS data request


Recently made data request AFNetworking, occasionally submitted to the following error
The Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=- 1001 "The request timed out." The UserInfo=0 x14ec4780 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://www.ilaw66.com/lavender/v3/NotificationsForLawyer? LawyerId=wenzheng. Cui& Access_token=5 bfa2c3c - 2019-43 a6 - ce49672 b59f - 96996 NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://www.ilaw66.com/lavender/v3/NotificationsForLawyer? LawyerId=wenzheng. Cui& Access_token=5 bfa2c3c - 2019-43 a6 - ce49672 b59f - 96996 NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out., NSUnderlyingError=0 x14ecd440 "The request timed out."}
With AF the GET request, the request is successful, sometimes sometimes package this error, the same interface, you want to know what reason?
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