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MINIGUI seek guidance


Project description: digital building intercom management machine, I use the door machine call management, management of machine answer or hang up directly after the return to the main window, the main window will be black, not perfect, I'm hung up points using invalidaterect and updatewindow function no problem? Please guidance!

CodePudding user response:

The main window will have black line, not perfect, - this code to analysis,
Black line how to analyze,

CodePudding user response:

In case the WM_PAINT:

Printf (" paint1 \ n ");
/* repaint the lower Windows before alpha blending this window */
+ + HWND - & gt; Unmapcount;/* tricky don 't clip this window */
SendMessage (rootwp WM_PAINT, 0, 0);
For (sibwp=HWND - & gt; Siblings; Sibwp; Sibwp=sibwp - & gt; Siblings)
SendMessage (sibwp WM_PAINT, 0, 0);
- the HWND - & gt; Unmapcount;
/* then queue repaint the for who Windows */
For (sibwp=HWND - & gt; The parent - & gt; The children; Sibwp!=HWND;
Sibwp=sibwp - & gt; Siblings)
/* don 't paint if already made by above code */
If (sibwp - & gt; PaintSerial!=mwpaintSerial)
PostMessage (sibwp WM_PAINT, 0, 0);
/* now paint this window offscreen and blend with screen */

HDC=BeginPaint (HWND, & amp; Ps);
GetClientRect (HWND, & amp; The rect);
/* redirect painting to offscreen dc */
HdcMem=CreateCompatibleDC (ps. HDC);
HBMP=CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdcMem, the rect. Right, the rect. Bottom);
HbmpOrg=SelectObject (hdcMem HBMP);
/* paint window to offscreen */

FillRect (hdcMem, & amp; The rect, gets);
//SelectObject (hdcMem, GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
SetBkMode (hdcMem, TRANSPARENT);

The DEBUG (" flag_connect is % d \ n ", flag_connect);
Oldfont=SelectObject (HDC, font_chinese);
SetBkColor (HDC, RGB (100149237));

If (flag_connect==0)

//HDC=BeginPaint (HWND, & amp; Ps);
//GetClientRect (HWND, & amp; The rect);

//SetTextColor (HDC, 0 x004060a0);
//Jimmy + + + set the text color
//SetBkColor (HDC, RGB (255,00,00));

Printf (" paint2 \ n ");

For (num_time=0; Num_time & lt; 9. Num_time + +)
//the fgets (buf_log, sizeof (buf_log), fp_log);
SetRect (& amp; Rect_log [num_time], 20150 + 32 * num_time, 20 + 200150 + 20 + 32 * num_time);
DrawText (HDC, "", 1, & amp; Rect_log [num_time], DT_WORDBREAK);


For (num_time=0; Num_time & lt; 9. Num_time + +)

SetRect (& amp; Rect_right [num_time], 540150 + 32 * num_time, 540 + 80150 + 20 + 32 * num_time);
DrawText (HDC, "", 1, & amp; Rect_right [num_time], DT_WORDBREAK);


//DEBUG (" tm. TmHeight is % d tm. TmAveCharWidth is % d \ n ", tm. The tmHeight, tm. The tmAveCharWidth);

//SetRect (& amp; The rect, 20150, 20 + 200150 + 20);

Printf (" paint3 \ n ");

DrawText (HDC, "welcome to use jump day landing-answer", 1, & amp; Rect_log [0],

Cur_time (buf_showtime);
SetRect (& amp; Rect_top, 10, 20 + 80, + 500, + 40);
DrawText (HDC, buf_showtime, 1, & amp; Rect_top DT_WORDBREAK);

Edit=CreateWindowEx (0 l, "edit",
", "
10, 10, 500, 80,

//EndPaint (HWND, & amp; Ps);

Mydc=GetDC (HWND);
DrawDIB (mydc, 570, 15, & amp; Image_logo);
ReleaseDC (HWND, mydc);

DeleteObject (SelectObject (hdcMem, hbmpOrg));
DeleteDC (hdcMem);
//EndPaint (HWND, & amp; Ps);//
Printf (" paint4 \ n ");


CodePudding user response:

This is they write redraw function, the if statement does not perform when redrawing, could you help me have a look

CodePudding user response:

What do you think is the WINDOWS programming?

CodePudding user response:

I took over the project, in Windows source insight written inside
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