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The difference between Siemens frequency converter reactor and filter


Hi, this is little control in the butler, today for everyone to share the difference between Siemens frequency converter reactor and filter, quick come to onlookers,

In the output side has the following options:
1) Outputreactor output reactor, when the inverter output to the motor of the cable length is greater than the specified value, the product should be output reactor is to compensate the coupling capacitance of electric pilot cable runs of the charge and discharge, avoid converter flow, there are two types of output reactor, reactor core type reactor is a kind of output, when the inverter is used when the carrier frequency is less than 3 KHZ, another output reactor is ferrite, when less than 6 KHZ carrier frequency inverter, the inverter output increases the output of the reactor is to increase the frequency converter to the motor wiring distance, output reactor can effectively restrain the inverter IGBT switch is generated when high voltage, reduce the voltage on the cable insulation and adverse effects of the motor, at the same time in order to increase the distance between the inverter to motor can bold cable appropriately, increase the cable insulation strength, as far as possible choose not shielded cable,
2) Outputdv/dtfilter output dv/dt reactor, output dv/dt reactor is to limit the rising rate of the inverter output voltage to ensure the motor insulation is normal,
3) Sinusolidalfilters sine wave filter, it makes similar to sine wave inverter output voltage and current, which reduces harmonic domain variable coefficient and the pressure on the motor insulation,

On the input side of the converter can be under option:
1) input EMC radio interference filter, the role of EMC filter is to reduce and restrain electromagnetic interference generated by frequency converter, there are two kinds of EMC filter, class A and class B, filter, EMCA level filter is used in the second situation, the industry situation, meet EN50011A level standard, EMCB level filter is used for the first kind of circumstance is more civil, light industry situation, satisfy EN50011B level standard,
2) reactor InputReactor into line, input reactor can suppress the harmonic current and improve power factor and weaken the surge voltage in the input circuit, current impact on frequency converter, weaken the influence of supply voltage imbalance, in general, must be added into line reactor,

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