1. According to the given topology network segment, respectively to PC0, PC1, Server0 Server1 and configure the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway, indicating the distribution of reason;
2. Create a VLAN on the corresponding switches, and according to the demand to the distribution of VLAN ports, respectively in the VLAN database mode and create a global configuration mode;
3. Configuration realization of VLAN 5 spanning tree for S1, VLAN and the spanning tree of S2, tasks (implemented in different ways, specific reference 4).
4. On the R2 to realize the communication of VLAN 5 and VLAN 15;
5. On R1 to realize the communications of VLAN and VLAN 16 6;
6. Configuring the routing implementation PC0 PC1 and Server0, 5 communications between Server1, (with different routing implementation, static routing, RIPv1 and RIPv2, OSPF);
7. Prohibit PC0 visit Server0 server WWW server (with extension number and extension MingMingShi ACL implementation);
8. Prohibit access server Server1 PC1, (respectively using the standard number and standard MingMingShi ACL implementation),