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Wit cloud RINGBUFF after implantation, the program into the timer interrupt is jammed


Data in the buffer array to read and write is normal, can write RINGBUFFER normally, can also be normal from the RINGBUFFER read, who is a great god can give a little to find the wrong ideas, appreciated, and have struggled for three days,

CodePudding user response:

My program mainly, timer timing, every 30 s inquiries to the sensor readings, I joined the RINGBUFFER where data reception (circular buffer array) into the timer interrupt, program will be stuck, I can be normal in an array of data can also be normal from the circular buffer array readout, RINGBUFFER is the main reference of wit cloud code;

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* @ file ringbuffer.* @ brief Loop buffer processing
* @ Author Gizwits
* @ the date 2017-07-19
* @ version V03030000
* @ copyright Gizwits
* @ note Gizwits is only for smart hardware
* Gizwits Smart Cloud for Smart Products
* the Links Value Added | | Open | Neutral | Safety | Own | | Free Ecology
* www.gizwits.com
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "ringBuffer. H"
# include "is common. H"

Rb_t DataRecievce;
Uint8_t rbBuf [18].

/* * * * * * * * * *
Create a circular buffer function of the
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
Void RingbufferInit (void)
DataRecievce. RbCapacity=18;
DataRecievce. RbBuff=rbBuf;
If (0==rbCreate (& amp; DataRecievce))
Printf (" rbCreate success \ n ");

Int8_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rbCreate rb_t * (rb)
If (NULL==rb)
return -1;
Rb - & gt; RbHead=rb - & gt; RbBuff;
Rb - & gt; RbTail=rb - & gt; RbBuff;
return 0;

/* * * * * * *
Ring buffer delete function
* * * * * * * * * */
Int8_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rbDelete rb_t * (rb)
If (NULL==rb)
return -1;

Rb - & gt; RbBuff=NULL;
Rb - & gt; RbHead=NULL;
Rb - & gt; RbTail=NULL;
Rb - & gt; RbCapacity=0;
return 0;

/* * * *
Obtain the ring buffer capacity
* * * *
Int32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rbCapacity rb_t * (rb)
If (NULL==rb)
return -1;

The return of rb - & gt; RbCapacity;

/* * * * * * *

* * * * * * */
Int32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rbCanRead rb_t * (rb)
If (NULL==rb)
return -1;

If (rb - & gt; RbHead==rb - & gt; RbTail)
return 0;

If (rb - & gt; RbHead & lt; Rb - & gt; RbTail)
The return of rb - & gt; RbTail - rb - & gt; RbHead;

Return rbCapacity (rb) - (rb - & gt; RbHead - rb - & gt; RbTail);

Int32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rbCanWrite rb_t * (rb)
If (NULL==rb)
return -1;

Return rbCapacity (rb) - rbCanRead (rb);

Int32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rbRead (rb_t * rb, void * data, size_t count)
Int32_t copySz=0;

If (NULL==rb)
The return of 16;

If (NULL==data)
The return of 8;

If (rb - & gt; RbHead & lt;=rb - & gt; RbTail)
CopySz=min (count, rbCanRead (rb));
Memcpy (data, rb - & gt; RbHead copySz);
Rb - & gt; RbHead +=copySz;
Return copySz;
The else
If (count & lt; RbCapacity (rb) - (rb - & gt; RbHead - rb - & gt; RbBuff))
Memcpy (data, rb - & gt; RbHead copySz);
Rb - & gt; RbHead +=copySz;
Return copySz;
The else
CopySz=rbCapacity (rb) - (rb - & gt; RbHead - rb - & gt; RbBuff);
Memcpy (data, rb - & gt; RbHead copySz);
Rb - & gt; RbHead=rb - & gt; RbBuff;
CopySz +=rbRead (rb, (char *) data + copySz, count - copySz);
Return copySz;

//will be a certain length of data (count) address (data) from a paragraph written ring buffer
Int32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rbWrite (rb_t * rb, const void * data, size_t count)
Int32_t tailAvailSz=0;

If ((NULL==rb) | | (NULL==data))
return -1;

If (count & gt;=rbCanWrite (rb))
The return - 2;

If (rb - & gt; RbHead & lt;=rb - & gt; RbTail)
TailAvailSz=rbCapacity (rb) - (rb - & gt; RbTail - rb - & gt; RbBuff);//the number of the writeable=annular array capacity - (the tail pointer address - first annular array)
If (count & lt;=tailAvailSz)
Memcpy (rb - & gt; RbTail, data, count);
Rb - & gt; RbTail +=count;
If (rb - & gt; RbTail==rb - & gt; RbBuff + rbCapacity (rb))
Rb - & gt; RbTail=rb - & gt; RbBuff;
Return the count.
The else
Memcpy (rb - & gt; RbTail, data, tailAvailSz);
Rb - & gt; RbTail=rb - & gt; RbBuff;

Return tailAvailSz + rbWrite (rb, (char *) data + tailAvailSz, count - tailAvailSz);
The else
Memcpy (rb - & gt; RbTail, data, count);
Rb - & gt; RbTail +=count;
Return the count.

Clouds above is wit RINGBUFFER code
Below is I to the sensor information and receive response code (part)

//serial port interrupt service routine 2
Void USART2_IRQHandler (void)

Uart2_buff [uart2_p + +]=USART2 - & gt; DR.//in the array
__HAL_UART_CLEAR_IDLEFLAG (& amp; Huart2);
RbWrite (& amp; DataRecievce uart2_buff, uart2_p);//write loop buffer series

Void getWinddirectionData ()
AskCmd ((u8 *) WinddirectionAsk); nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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