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Through the experiment with the port number assigned to the two processes


Using Socket programming, use the bind function will be the same port binding to how to write the two application specific code, turn to god?

CodePudding user response:

# define MAXLINE 50
Typedef struct sockaddr SA;

Int main (int arg c, char * * argv)
Int listenfd, connfd, maxfd, I, nbyte;
Struct sockaddr_in myaddr;
Char buf [MAXLINE];
Fd_set global_rdfs current_rdfs;

If ((listenfd=socket (AF_INET SOCK_STREAM, 0)) & lt; 0)
Perror (" fail to socket ");
The exit (1);
Bzero (& amp; Myaddr, sizeof (myaddr));
Myaddr. Sin_family=AF_INET;
Myaddr. Sin_port=htons (8888);
//myaddr. Sin_addr. S_addr=inet_addr (" ");
Myaddr. Sin_addr. S_addr=htonl (INADDR_ANY);
If (bind (listenfd, (SA *) & amp; Myaddr, sizeof (myaddr)) & lt; 0)
Perror (" bind fail ");
Close (listenfd);
The exit (1);
Listen (listenfd, 5);

FD_ZERO (& amp; Global_rdfs);
FD_SET (listenfd, & amp; Global_rdfs);

While (1)
Printf (" before the select \ n ");
If (select (maxfd + 1, & amp; Current_rdfs, NULL, NULL, 0) & lt; 0)
Perror (" select fail ");
Close (listenfd);
The exit (1);
The else
Printf (" after the select \ n ");
For (I=0; i <=maxfd; I++)
If (FD_ISSET (I, & amp; Current_rdfs))
If (I==listenfd)
Connfd=accept (listenfd, NULL, NULL);
FD_SET (connfd, & amp; Global_rdfs);
Maxfd=maxfd & gt; Connfd? Maxfd: connfd;
The else
Nbyte=recv (I, buf, sizeof (buf), 0).
Buf [nbyte]=0 x00;
If (nbyte & lt;=0)
Close (I);
FD_CLR (I, & amp; Global_rdfs);
The else
//buf [nbyte]=0 x00;
Send (I, buf, nbyte, 0).
return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Can implement a server at the same time more than one customer to accept the request, specific response can be modified, here with the function of echo, want to consider a variety of concurrent server, a careful analysis

CodePudding user response:

Establish communication between two processes,
A process binding port, and provide a callback interface,
Another process registered interface.
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