Home > other >  Excuse me, how to implement and gateway in the PC Settings and a single channel of ARP protocol?
Excuse me, how to implement and gateway in the PC Settings and a single channel of ARP protocol?


我们是宿舍楼网络,网络很不稳定,频繁出现丢包,我用wireshark抓包总能发现同一个IP指向我的PC发送的ARP广播包,而且在我修改MAC地址后重新获取新IP之后,用不了多久又会接收到该广播包,我已在本机实现了对网关IP及MAC的绑定,但是在网关是否绑定了我的IP和MAC不清楚,我360的局域网隐身功能是开启的,系统的网络发现功能是关闭的,同时我在cmd命令窗口也使用了net ipconfig server/hidden yes命令,但是网速依然没有提升,我用P2P终结者检测网速的时候,向我发送ARP广播的IP网速达到300Kb/s+,而我电脑的网速只能达到150Kb/s左右且丢包,延时等现象明显,过去正常网速(应该是网关设置的默认网速)也应该是300Kb/s左右,我不知道是整体网络负载过高还是局域网内存在ARP欺诈,同时我也不是想控制网络,我想在PC上进行设置,在暂不考虑在网关上进行操作的前提下,请问各位大大,是否可以与网关之间仅存在单一通道的ARP协议,而不接收或处理其他指向我IP的ARP广播包(在下小白真心不知道ARP协议是否可以存在这种情况),以减小计算机处理网络请求的负载?
Thank you very much!!!!!!

This is I use WIRESHARK capture package
Is IP, even after I change the MAC to get the IP, even after I opened the LAN stealth function such as still can send broadcast on my PC for many times, this exactly is what circumstance?
When I turned on the binding of the several IP and MAC
Netsh - c "I I" AD 13 00 0 ne e f - e2-1-9 00 e -
Netsh - c "I I" AD ne 13 00 0 f - e e2-1-9-12 e
Netsh - c "I I" AD 13 00 0 ne e f - e2-1-9 e - 19
The first is the gateway, the second and the third is the transmitting host computer often to me, I gave them the binding the wrong MAC tried to refuse to reply, seems to be no effect,
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