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The TCP client and STM32F107 used, connect to PC TCP server program problem


The client and server connection cannot be normal connection, occasionally can even,
Trouble everybody look, program where there is a problem,
PC TCP server program, written in VB using WinSock control
Private Sub Form_Load ()
'the LocalPort attribute is set to an integer,
'and then call Listen method,

TcpServer. Protocol=sckTCPProtocol
TcpServer. LocalPort=4000
TcpServer. Listen
End Sub

Private Sub tcpServer_ConnectionRequest (ByVal requestID As Long)
'check if control of the State property is closed,
'if not,
'before you accept a new connection to close the connection,
If TcpServer. State & lt;> SckClosed Then TcpServer. Close
With the requestID parameters' accept

TcpServer. Accept requestID
End Sub

Private Sub tcpServer_DataArrival (ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
'for entering data declare a variable,
'call GetData method, and gives the data to called txtOutput
'the TextBox Text property,

Dim strData As String
TcpServer. GetData strData
TxtOutput. Text=strData
End Sub

Under a machine using STM32F107, TCP client program
Int main (void)
LwIP_Init ();
//UDP_rx_Init ();
TCP_Client_init ();
While (1) {


Void TCP_Client_init (void)
Struct tcp_pcb * PCB;
Struct ip_addr ipaddr;
//int localPort;
//localPort=1000 + ip_address_last (int);
IP4_ADDR (& amp; Ipaddr, 192168,0,2);//server IP192.168.0.2
PCB=tcp_new ();
Tcp_bind (PCB, IP_ADDR_ANY, 1001);
Tcp_connect (PCB, & amp; Ipaddr, 4000, tcp_client_connected);

Err_t tcp_client_connected (void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * PCB, err_t err)
Tcp_write (PCB, the GREETING, strlen (GREETING), 0).//output Str
Tcp_recv (PCB, tcp_Receive);
Return ERR_OK;

The static err_t tcp_Receive (void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * PCB, struct pbufs * p_1, err_t err)
Unsigned char * temp.
Unsigned int I;

If (p_1!=NULL)/* if the data received is empty */
{rec_data_size=(* p_1). Tot_len;
Temp=p_1 - & gt; Content;
for(i=0; i{
Eth_rec_data [I]=* temp;
Pbuf_free (p_1);/* */release the buffer data
Return ERR_OK;
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