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Saveasnewapihadoopdatast save data to hbase to null pointer exception what python language developme


The from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
The from pyspark. Streaming import StreamingContext
The from pyspark. Streaming. Kafka import KafkaUtils
The import json
The import time

Sc=SparkContext (master="local [2]", appName="StreamingWordCount")
SSC=StreamingContext (sc, 5)
# HBASE table, need to advance in the HBASE zhongjian good
The broker="
"# kafka topic
# HBASE zookeeper
KeyConv="org. Apache. Spark. Examples. Pythonconverters. StringToImmutableBytesWritableConverter"
ValueConv="org. Apache. Spark. Examples. Pythonconverters. StringListToPutConverter"
HbaseConf={" hbase. Zookeeper. Quorum ": hbaseZK," hbase. Mapred. Outputtable ": table,
"Graphs. The job. The output. The value. The class" : ". Org. Apache hadoop. IO. Writable "}

# print log
Def log (STR) :
T=time. Strftime (r "% % Y - m - H: % d % % m: % S", the time the localtime ())
Print (" [% s] % s "% (t, STR))

RDD # processing elements, the RDD elements for dictionary types
Def fmt_data (msg_dict) :
If msg_dict is not None:
T=time. Strftime (r "% % Y - m - H: % d % % m: % S", the time the localtime ())
For d, x in msg_dict. The items () :
Col_value (x)=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/str
Msg_tuple=(rowkey, [rowkey col_family, col_name, col_value])
Print (" rowkey: "+ rowkey +" \ ndata "+ STR (msg_tuple) + append" success ")
If msg_tuple is not None:
LST. Append (msg_tuple)
Return LST

# processing RDD and write to HBASE
Def connectAndWrite (data) :
If not data. IsEmpty () :
# to receive the elements in the RDD to dictionary, received the format for (None, [json string]), so the map element of the second deserialization become a dictionary type
Msg_list=data. The map (lambda x: json. Loads [1] (x))
# print RDD observation, similar to a dictionary type data as the elements of the list
The log (msg_list. Collect ())
RDD # processing elements in the format needed for writing HBASE, forming a tuple format
Msg_row=msg_list. The map (lambda x: fmt_data (x))
# print (msg_row flatMap (lambda x: x). The map (lambda x: x). Collect ())
# to RDD all elements in the tuple flattening, again after the map to HBASE store
Msg_row. FlatMap (lambda x: x). The map (lambda x: x) saveAsNewAPIHadoopDataset (conf=hbaseConf, keyConverter=keyConv, valueConverter=valueConv)
Print (" insert data success ")
Except the Exception as the ex:
Print (STR (ex) + "insert data failure")

KafkaStreams=KafkaUtils. CreateDirectStream (SSC (topic), kafkaParams={" metadata. Broker. List ": broker})
# kafkaStreams. The map (lambda x: x [1]). Pprint ()
KafkaStreams. ForeachRDD (connectAndWrite)

The log (' start consumer ')
SSC. Start ()
SSC. AwaitTermination ()

After running will quote
18/06/06 10:07:20 INFO python. The Converter: the Loaded the Converter: org. Apache. The spark. Examples. Pythonconverters. StringListToPutConverter
An error occurred while calling z: org. Apache. Spark. API. Python. PythonRDD. SaveAsHadoopDataset.
: Java. Lang. NullPointerException

Where is the root cause of this error, please advise

CodePudding user response:

The conf=SparkConf (). The set (" spark. Hadoop. ValidateOutputSpecs ", False)
Sc=SparkContext (master="local [2]", appName="StreamingWordCount", the conf=conf)

Not verify the output parameters, add spark. Hadoop. ValidateOutputSpecs parameter to false, according to the above the content of the conf configuration
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