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From zero basis to start writing online game memory auxiliary tutorial


Tutorial course outline:
Introductory chapter:
What is first class plugins and principle
The second class writing plugins have condition
The third class writing plugins tool introduction
The fourth game of money - class analysis demonstration example
Lesson five take game window handle
Lesson 6 take game process PID
Lesson 7 handle to take game
Lesson 8 in the game is the main thread ID
An introductory lesson nine course summary

Based on chapter:
First class data and memory games
Lesson two memory data structure
The third class static and dynamic memory
Lesson four memory read/write attribute
Lesson five of the memory with external
Lesson 6 characters blood value - memory read and write, for example,
Lesson 7 basic course summary

Primary chapter:
Lesson one hotkey procedures and external
The second class local and remote plugin
The third class DLL plugins injection and exhaled
Lesson four types of plugins
Lesson five is a simple button simulation plugin
Lesson 6 a simple remote memory plugin
Lesson 7 primary summary

Novice advanced chapter (assembly) :
Assembly and external
Assembly language - register
What is a register in section 1
Eight 16 in the second quarter 32-bit registers
Assembly language commonly used instructions article
-Zeroth section what assembly instruction is
The first section MOV instruction
PUSH the instructions in the second quarter
In the third quarter RET instruction
The fourth quarter, LEA instruction
Section 5 XCHG instructions
Section 6 JMP instruction
Section 7 SUB instruction
The ADD instruction in section 8 of the
Section 9 the NOP instruction
Section 10 CALL instructions
Assembly language - data addressing article
What is addressed in section 1
In the second quarter immediately addressing
The third section directly addressing
Section 4 register addressing
The fifth section register indirect addressing
Section 6 register relative addressing
Section 7 b and indexed addressing
Section 8 relatively add base indexed addressing
Assembly tool
Assembly course summary

Chapter intermediate (actual combat presentation data analysis) :
First class engineering function planning plugin
The second class character attribute data analysis
Section 1 character level data analysis methods and skill knowledge
Character values of blood in the second quarter data analysis methods and skill knowledge
The third quarter figures coordinate data analysis methods and skill knowledge
Fourth quarter figures other data traversal
Section 5 characters all data read - write code
The third class package attribute data analysis
Section 1 parcel information grid data analysis methods and skill knowledge
Package Spaces remaining number in the second quarter data analysis methods and skill knowledge
Section 3 package analysis items quantity analysis method and skill knowledge
The fourth parcel traversal analysis of item data information
Section 5 packages to read all items data - writing code
Around the fourth class attribute data analysis
First quarter around NPCS and player data analysis methods and skill knowledge
Around NPCS and players in the second quarter data read - write code
Section 3 items on the ground distance data analysis methods and skill knowledge
The fourth quarter, the number of items on the ground data analysis methods and skill knowledge
Section 5 of item on the ground data analysis methods and skill knowledge
Section 6 items on the ground data read - write code
Lesson five monsters attribute data analysis
Section 1 selected monster level analysis method and skill knowledge
Select the name of a monster in the second quarter analysis method and skill knowledge
Section 3 selected monster ID analysis methods and skills
Monster all data read section 4 - writing code
Lesson 6 shortcut bar array data analysis
The first section analysis shortcut bar lattice
Read the shortcut bar in the second quarter data - the full grid coding
Lesson 7 intermediate course summary

Senior chapter (practical demonstration CALL analysis) :
Lesson one CALL with plugins
Lesson two is involved in not join the CALL
The third class CALL data analysis
The first section meditation rest CALL analysis
CALL in the second quarter update extract
In the third quarter to write rest CALL - CALL meditation (code)
Section 4 selected strange CALL analysis
Section 5 CALL update extract
Section 6 write CALL - CALL choose blame (code)
Section 7 answers the CALL analysis
Section 8 CALL update extract
Verse 9 write CALL CALL CALL - (code)
Section 10 medicine CALL analysis
Section 11 CALL update extract
The 12th day of invoking medicine CALL - (code)
The tenth three pick up CALL analysis of F1 - F8 shortcut bar CALL
V14 CALL update extract
Fifteenth day of invoking shortcut bar CALL pick up - (code)
The sixteenth death CALL back analysis
Section 17 CALL update extract
The tenth section 8 write back CALL - CALL death (code)
V19 parcel lost CALL analysis
Section 20 of invoking the parcel lost thing CALL - (code)
Section 21 pathfinding CALL analysis
Section 22 of invoking pathfinding CALL - (code)
Lesson four CALL summary
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Memory auxiliary tutorial:
<1> Easy language novice from zero memory auxiliary tutorial
Description: from a novice, what all can't learn that game auxiliary principle and methods of making development process of the technical knowledge required, master after you are a master!
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Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gffsueZ password: c47f

<2> Data analysis of the game tutorial
Now a lot of network game characters, monsters, items, or other data information is encrypted, this leads to a lot of people in the use of CE in accordance with the game show
Characters such as: blood according to is: 280, the CE with any data type in the search of less than 280 any address,
Or search and games in the same numerical address, numerical and game but not synchronized with the change, the result can't find the real character of blood data address, thus data information analysis is less than
Like this kind of situation, a lot of people just scared, don't know analysis,
So in the next few sections and proved in the course, I will use a data information will be encrypted games as examples, for everybody in detail how to analyze game information and how to decrypt data encryption data information read the real data,
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Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dE10P6T password: qkhy

<3> Learn from zero to write easy language module tutorial
Shows how easy language assembler modules: learning to write, to write your own an assembler modules with
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Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5HhYJV password: j9kt

<4> Easy language background button - equipment trading function to write
Description: learn to use auxiliary EDM easy language to write the background buttons, demonstration equipment trades in the game to write ideas
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Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1Faf4G password: tebb

<5> Mouse and keyboard language easily sync - 1 person operating multiple roles leveling grind tutorial
Description: learn whereas studio technology, code 1 person can operate multiple accounts at the same time train the auxiliary function of
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Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYbCpZm password: pbb3

<6> Easy language web game/network packet auxiliary tutorial
Description: demonstration writing web game/network packet auxiliary tutorial, you deserve reference
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Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hr70zti password: JDKQ
Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hs7GBSo password: s3ac

<7 & gt; Easy language D3D perspective
Link: pan.baidu.com/s/1nuKkI9N password: JJZV

<8 & gt; Easy language mobile game packet auxiliary tutorial
Link: http://www.dult.cn/product.php? Id=3

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