Home > other >  Spyder use error within DNN TypeError: readNetFromTensorflow () takes the at most 1 argument (2 diff
Spyder use error within DNN TypeError: readNetFromTensorflow () takes the at most 1 argument (2 diff


Beginners opencv, want to use within DNN to identify the face in the picture, the result at the time of running code,
Net=cv2. Within DNN. ReadNetFromTensorflow (" opencv_face_detector_uint8. Pb ", "opencv_face_detector. PBTXT")
It has been an error
TypeError: readNetFromTensorflow () takes the at most 1 argument given (2)
Want to ask what is wrong with bosses 555555
"Opencv_face_detector_uint8. Pb" and "opencv_face_detector. PBTXT" these two files have been successfully downloaded and put inside the spyder working directory,
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