Home > other >  Pycharm unable to create Djanjo project, every time can only through the command to create in CMD
Pycharm unable to create Djanjo project, every time can only through the command to create in CMD


In pycharm File> New project> Django> Virtual environment and interpreter, create an error, please ask next great god have know the reason, I use the PIP install pymysqlite this command to install package is also an error
(python3.7.4) C: \ Users \ taoqi> PIP install pysqlite
& in the indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
Collecting pysqlite
Using cached https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/packages/42/02/981b6703e3c83c5b
25 a829c6e77aad059f9481b0bbacb47e6e8ca12bd731/pysqlite - 2.8.3. Tar. Gz (80 kB)
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1:
The command: "C: \ Users \ taoqi \. Conda \ envs \ python3.7.4 \ python exe '- C' import sys
, setuptools, tokenize; Sys. Argv [0]='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ taoqi \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Tem
P \ \ PIP install - erpowkwc \ \ pysqlite \ \ setup py '"' "'; A __file__='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ taoqi
\ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ PIP install - erpowkwc \ \ pysqlite \ \ setup py '"' "'; F=getattr (
Tokenize, '"' "' open '"'" 'to open) (__file__); Code=f.r ead (). The replace (' "'" '\ r \ n' "'" ',
'"' "' \ n '"'" '); f.close(); The exec (the compile (code, a __file__, '"' "' exec '"'" ')) 'egg_info
-- an egg - base 'C: \ Users \ taoqi \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP PIP - an egg - info - jceynhmg'
CWD: C: \ Users \ taoqi \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP install - erpowkwc \ pysqlite \
Complete the output lines (1) :
Pysqlite is not supported on Python 3. When using Python 3, use the sqlite3
The module from the standard library.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1: python setup. Py egg_info Check th
E logs for full command output.
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