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Python, chrome connection of the debug experience


Recently in learning python selenium browser chrome operating problems, found that can't open chrome,
Procedure is as follows, "
The setting method # local Chrome
The from the selenium import webdriver
The import time

Driver=webdriver. Chrome ()
Driver. The get (' https://localprod.pandateacher.com/python-manuscript/hello-spiderman/')
Time. Sleep (2)
Error message is as follows:

First check the chromedriver version problem, N times web site, download the N chromedriver, found that is useless, still can not run the program,

Online search, environment Settings has a problem, then, in the environment setting with python's address, the address of the chrome... After some time, with problems still exist,

Then think about the driver=webdriver. Chrome (' C: \ Program Files \ \ Chrome \ Application/Google Chrome. Exe ')

An error in the form of some changes, but still can't run the program,
Then again, check the hosts file should reform, also changed, is still the same,
Really don't have any choice, suddenly thought of, the final selenium whether there is a problem, at the time of the installation path is not now the use of the path, I copied to the file directly,
To look for way of unloading the selenium
PIP uninstall selenium
Then, install it again
PIP install selenium
A result,
1. At the time of study and debugging software, try not to change the default installation path, otherwise there will be a strange question,
(2) found that the problem is not terrible, to solve the problem of happiness is to enjoy,