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Python installation tripartite library: screenshot error, great spirit guide genuflect is begged!


PS D: \ \ Program Files \ Python37 \ Scripts> Pip3 install screenshot
Collecting screenshot
Using cached screenshot - 1.0.0 - py3 - none - any. WHL (5.3 kB)
Collecting the click
Using cached click - 7.1.2 - py2. Py3 - none - any. WHL (82 kB)
Collecting pyobjc - framework - Quartz
Using cached pyobjc - framework - Quartz - 6.2, tar, gz (3.4 MB)
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1:
Command: 'd: \ \ program files \ python37 \ python exe' - c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; Sys. Argv [0]='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ GG \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ PIP install - fl4zp2mx \ \ pyobjc - framework - Quartz \ \ setup. Py '"'" '; A __file__='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ GG \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ PIP install - fl4zp2mx \ \ pyobjc - framework - Quartz \ \ setup. Py '"'" '; F=getattr (tokenize, '"' "' open '"'" 'to open) (__file__); Code=f.r ead (). The replace (' "'" '\ r \ n' "'" ', '"' "' \ n '"'" '); F. lose (); The exec (the compile (code, a __file__, '"' "' exec '"'" ')) 'egg_info - an egg - base' C: \ Users \ GG \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP PIP - an egg - info - t3_o1nbl '
CWD: C: \ Users \ GG \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP - install - fl4zp2mx \ pyobjc - framework - Quartz \
Complete the output lines (9) :
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "& lt; string>" , line 1, in
The File "C: \ Users \ GG \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP - install - fl4zp2mx \ pyobjc - framework - Quartz \ setup py", line 67, in & lt; module>
The File "C: \ Users \ GG \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP - install - fl4zp2mx \ pyobjc - framework - Quartz \ pyobjc_setup py", line 390, the Extension in
Os_level=get_os_level ()
The File "C: \ Users \ GG \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP - install - fl4zp2mx \ pyobjc - framework - Quartz \ pyobjc_setup py", line 200, in get_os_level
With the open ("/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion plist ", "rb") as fp:
No FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] to the file or directory: '/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion plist'
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1: python setup. Py egg_info Check the logs for full Command output.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Copyright statement: this article to CSDN blogger (qq_41100664) of the original articles, follow BY CC 4.0 - SA the copyright agreement, reproduced and this statement, please attach the original source link
The original link: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41100664/article/details/106117834

CodePudding user response:

Is the library pyscreenshot

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor chuifengde response:
is the library pyscreenshot

Thank you for your reply, I am learning Robot Framework has mentioned this Screenshot library
Pycreenshot libraries installed OK,

CodePudding user response:

The library need not installed separately, direct reference can use ha,
But don't know why separate installation complains, welcome to the great god teach ha,

CodePudding user response:

Screenshots with pyautogui it will not???????

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor alwaysbefine response:
screenshots with pyautogui it will not???????

Thank you, study,,,
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