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FlightGear compilation and data communications


FlightGear compiled
This article describes the FlightGear 2019.1.1 version of the compilation process, effective measurement, the build process may refer to the official website: http://wiki.flightgear.org/Building_using_CMake_-_Windows
Preparations for a,
1. FlightGear 2019.1.1:https://sourceforge.net/projects/flightgear/files/release-2019.1/
2. SimGear 2019.1.1:https://sourceforge.net/projects/flightgear/files/release-2019.1/
3. FgData 2019.1.1:https://sourceforge.net/projects/flightgear/files/release-2019.1/
4. Osg 3.4.0:https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph
Second, the project configuration directory description

Three, compile OSG
, OSG compiled complete tutorial many, here only emphasize that in this parameter: when configure cmake OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME, be sure to check the,

Because this is the back of the simgear requirements at compile time, otherwise you will be in cmake configuration simgear is met this error:
"CMake Error at CMakeLists. TXT: 259 (the message) :
Both Please rebuild OSG with OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME set to ON ";
Four, compile simgear
Download and install openal library, http://www.openal.org/downloads/
OpenAL Core 1.1 SDK (zip), open the redist folder in the installation directory after installation is complete, double-click the oalinst. Exe application, complete openal32. DLL library registration,
Simgear boost in the use of the 2017 version of the 3 rdparty openscenegraph related boost,
Five, compile flightgear
1. You first need to compile the third-party dependent libraries PLIB, the download this PLIB third-party 1.8.5 version of dependent libraries, download address: http://plib.sourceforge.net/download.html;
2. Compile into cmake, after the completion of the configuration generated vs project,
3. Start vs project complete compilation,

To get the flight data from FlightGear udp
1. Write the aaa. XML customizable (name) configuration file, and then into the fg - the Protocol of data folder, format can see the folder existing playback. The XML file.
2. The command line to start the fg, FGFS - generic=socket, out, 1, localhost, 5500, udp, aaa.
3. Then use wireshark, or, tcpudp surveillance tool, listening on port 5500, this machine is acceptable to the data, at the same time I wrote a data receiving and parsing of small procedures, refer to, Conmmunicaiton folder
4. Refer to the link: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_23096723/article/details/79253673? Depth_1 - utm_source=distribute. Pc_relevant. None - task& Utm_source=distribute. Pc_relevant. None - task

Send FlightGear udp data
1. Send data also need to write to the FG aaa. The XML configuration files to the Protocol file directory, configuration may refer to the directory of playback. The XML files & lt; Input> Node;
2. The command line to start the fg, FGFS - generic=socket, in, 1, localhost, 5500, udp, aaa.
3. Then write the socket communication tools, sending data, the format of data need to refer to aaa. The chunk in the XML sequence and format, such as warp/weft exalted example
Send the fixed string "21.21212121, 157.2345256, 12.3324455 \ n", end to end with "\ n", or fg can't receive the data, after sending will find aircraft position changed of fg, sample program can be a reference Conmmunicaiton folder,

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