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Next, please: I use regular expressions to circulation data, crawl second level page is why function


The import requests
The from fake_useragent import UserAgent
The import CSV
The import re
The import time
Import the random
The class CFP2_spider (object) :
Def __init__ (self) :
Self. First_url='https://www.springer.com/journal/11263/updates'
Self. Second_url='https://www.springer.com/journal'
The self. The headers={' the user-agent ':' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; X64; The rv: 76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0 '}
Self. Regex_first='& lt; A href="HTTP://https://bbs.csdn.net/topics//journal/11263/updates/. *?) "'
Self. Regex_title='& lt; H1 & gt; (. *?) Self. Regex_submissiontime='& lt; p> . *? Submission deadline: & lt;/strong> (. *?)


. *? (Submission deadline: [^ & lt;/strong>] . *?)

  • (deadline. *?
  • '
    Self. Regex_decisiontime='& lt; [a zA - Z] & gt; (final. * decision:. *?) (final decision by. *?) '
    Self. Regex_manuscript_submission='& lt; [a zA - Z] & gt; (final yoshinori miura. *? :. *?) Self. Regex_submission_email='([a zA - z] + ://VISI [^ \ s] *? .com) '
    # get secondary page URL function
    Def getres (self, url) :
    Res=requests. Get (url=url, headers=self. Headers). The text
    Return res
    Def regex_f (self, regex, res) :
    The pattern=re.com running (regex, re. I)
    Lists=re. The.findall (pattern, res)
    Return lists
    Def parse_first (self, first_url) :
    Res_first=self. Getres (first_url)
    The links=self. Regex_f (self regex_first, res_first)
    For a in the links:
    Url_second=self. Second_url + a
    Self. Parse_second (url_second)
    Secondary page # parse function
    Def parse_second (self, second_url) :
    Res_second=self. Getres (second_url)
    Title=self. Regex_f (self. Regex_title res_second)
    Submissiontime=self. Regex_f (self. Regex_submissiontime res_second)
    Final_decisiontime=self. Regex_f (self. Regex_decisiontime res_second)
    Manuscript_submission=self. Regex_f (self. Regex_manuscript_submission res_second)
    Submission_email=self. Regex_f (self. Regex_submission_email res_second)
    Print (the title)
    Print (submissiontime)
    Print (final_decisiontime)
    Print (manuscript_submission)
    Print (submission_email)
    Self. Writecsv (title, submissiontime final_decisiontime, manuscript_submission, submission_email)
    Def writecsv (self, title, submissiontime final_decisiontime, manuscript_submission, submission_email) :
    With the open (' cfpmess3. CSV ', 'a', encoding="utf-8") as f:
    Writer.=the CSV writer (f)
    Writer. Writerow ([title, submissiontime final_decisiontime, manuscript_submission, submission_email])
    F. lose ()
    # entry function
    Def run (self) :
    Url=self. First_url
    Self. Parse_first (url)
    # main function
    If __name__=="__main__ ':
    Spiders=CFP2_spider ()
    Spiders. The run ()
    And I take the level of the crawler climb down directly assigned to the first child of the page requests the library to run, when get the result I wanted:
    The import requests
    The from fake_useragent import UserAgent
    The import CSV
    The import re
    The from multiprocessing. Dummy import Pool
    The response=requests. Get (url_s). The text
    Pattern1=re.com running (" & lt; H1 & gt; (. *?) Pattern2=re.com running (" & lt; p> . *? Submission deadline: & lt;/strong> (. *?)


    . *? (Submission deadline: [^ & lt;/strong>] . *?)

  • (deadline. *?
  • " Re. I)
    Pattern3=re.com running (" & lt; [a zA - Z] & gt; (final. * decision:. *?) (final decision by. *?) " Re. I)
    Pattern4=re.com running (" & lt; [a zA - Z] & gt; (final yoshinori miura. *? :. *?) Pattern5=re.com running (' ([a zA - z] + ://VISI [^ \ s] *? .com) ')
    Title=re. The.findall (pattern1, response)
    Submissiontime=re. The.findall (pattern2, response)
    Final_decisiontime=re. The.findall (pattern3, response)
    Manuscript_submission=re. The.findall (pattern4, response)
    Submission_email=re. The.findall (pattern5, response)
    Print (the title)
    Print (submissiontime)
    Print (final_decisiontime)
    Print (manuscript_submission)
    Print (submission_email)

    CodePudding user response:

    Do the crawler for a long time, feeling, was it a success

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