The class application (Frame) :
Def __init__ (self, master) :
Super () __init__ (master)
The self. The master=master
The self. The pack ()
The self. The init ()
Def getpassword (self) :
Global password
self. Text1. Delete (# 1.0, END) not the
Self. Text2. Delete (# 1.0, END) this can
Password=self. Entry. The get ()
If the password==":
Messagebox. Showinfo (title='tip' message='password cannot be empty)
The else:
Passwordcheck (password, 1)
Self. Text1. Insert (insert, result)
While passwordcheck (password, 0)!=100:
Passwordenhancement ()
The self. The text2. Insert (insert, password)
Def init (self) :
Self. Label1=Label (self, text="password:")
Self. Label1. The grid (row=0, sticky=W)
Self. Entry=entry (self, width=49)
Self. Entry. The grid (row=1, sticky=W)
Self. Label2=Label (self, text="analysis results:")
Self. Label2. The grid (row=2, sticky=W)
The self. The button=button (self, text="test", width=5, height=1, the command=self. Getpassword)
The self. The button. The grid (row=1, the column=2, sticky=E)
Self. Text1=Text (self, width=50, height=25)
Self. Text1. The grid (row=4, sticky=E)
Self. Label3=Label (self, text="enhanced password:")
Self. Label3. The grid (row=5, sticky=W)
Self. Text2=Text (self, width=49, height=1)
Self. Text2. The grid (row=6, sticky=W)
If __name__=="__main__ ':
Win=Tk ()
Win the title (' weak passwords)
Win. Geometry (' 500 x500 ')
App=application (win)
Win the mainloop ()
CodePudding user response:
Self. Text1. Delete (' 1.0 'END)Self. Text2. Delete (' 1.0 'END)
Before the index value to quotes, is a string,