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Known distance matrix, and make a scatter plot, and how to deal with each point coordinates matlab


A known distance matrix
0 125 1239 3026 480 3300 3736 1192 2373
125 1150 1954 604 3330 3740 1316 2389
1239, 1150, 1945, 1717, 3929, 4157, 2092, 1892
3026 1954 1945 1847 3202 2457 1570 993
480 604 1717 1847 2825 3260 716 2657
3300 3330 3929 3202 2825 2668 2111 4279
3736 3740 4157 2457 3260 2668 2547 3431
1192 1316 2092 1570 716 2111 2547 2673
2373 2389 1892 993 2657 4279 3431 2673 0
Ask how to deal with a scatter diagram is a two-dimensional
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