The import sys, OS
Sys. Path. Append (OS. Pardir) # in order to import the parent directory of the file by setting the
The import numpy as np
From the dataset. Mnist import load_mnist # # # # error there is problem # # # # No module named 'dataset. Mnist'
The from PIL import Image
Def img_show (img) :
Pil_img=Image. Fromarray (np) uint8 (img))
Pil_img. The show ()
(x_train t_train), (x_test, t_test)=load_mnist (flatten=True, normalize=False)
Img=x_train [0]
Label=t_train [0]
Print (label) # 5
Print (img. Shape) # (784)
Img=img. Reshape (28, 28) # change the shape of the image to the size of the original
Print (img. Shape) # (28, 28)
Img_show (img)
CodePudding user response:
Don't know whether you have solved the problemIn this case, the dataset is not your dataset1.1.2, (introduction to deep learning) refers to the books in the code to the dataset file directory minist. Py,
Download address for
I under Windows 7 or an error, I put the
Sys. Path. Append (OS) pardir) amended the run successfully
CodePudding user response:
@ enike, you is how to changeCodePudding user response:
I know, because the cause of the loading paths, if your mnist_show. Py and mnist. PKL under the level of the same path, then change to the from mnist import load_mnistCodePudding user response:
Call the mnist. Py load_mnist method# coding: utf-8
The import urllib. Request
Except ImportError:
Raise ImportError (' You should use Python 3 x ')
The import OS. Path
The import gzip
The import pickled
The import OS
The import numpy as np
'train_img' : 'train - images - idx3 does - ubyte. Gz',
'train_label' : 'train - labels - idx1 - ubyte. Gz',
'test_img' : 't10k - images - idx3 does - ubyte. Gz',
'test_label' : 't10k - labels - idx1 - ubyte. Gz'
Dataset_dir=OS. The path. The dirname (OS) path) abspath (__file__))
Save_file dataset_dir +="./mnist PKL
Img_dim=(1, 28, 28)
Def _download (file_name) :
File_path=dataset_dir + "/" + file_name
If OS. Path. The exists (file_path) :
Print (" Downloading "+ file_name +"...
")Urllib. Request. Urlretrieve (url_base + file_name, file_path)
Print (" Done ")
Def download_mnist () :
In the for v key_file. Values () :
_download (v)
Def _load_label (file_name) :
File_path=dataset_dir + "/" + file_name
Print (" Converting "+ file_name +" to NumPy Array...
")With gzip. Open (file_path, 'rb') as f:
Labels=np. Frombuffer (f.r ead (), np. Uint8, offset=8)
Print (" Done ")
The return labels
Def _load_img (file_name) :
File_path=dataset_dir + "/" + file_name
Print (" Converting "+ file_name +" to NumPy Array...
")With gzip. Open (file_path, 'rb') as f:
Data= (f.r ead (), np. Uint8, offset=16)
Data=(1, img_size
Print (" Done ")
The return data
Def _convert_numpy () :
The dataset={}
The dataset [' train_img]=_load_img (key_file [' train_img '])
The dataset [' train_label]=_load_label (key_file [' train_label '])
The dataset [' test_img]=_load_img (key_file [' test_img '])
The dataset [' test_label]=_load_label (key_file [' test_label '])
Return the dataset
Def init_mnist () :
Download_mnist ()
The dataset=_convert_numpy ()
Print (" Creating pickle file...
")With the open (save_file, 'wb) as f:
Pickle. Dump (dataset, f, 1)
Print (" Done!" )
Def _change_one_hot_label (X) :
T=np. Zeros ((X.s considering, 10))
For independence idx, row in enumerate (T) :
Row [[independence idx]] X=1
Return T
Def load_mnist (normalize=True, flatten=True, one_hot_label=False) :
"" "read MNIST dataset
The Parameters
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
To normalize the image pixel values regularization is 0.0 ~ 1.0
One_hot_label to True, return label as one - hot array
Refers to the one - hot array [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] such an array of
Flatten: whether the image for a one-dimensional array
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
(training images, the label), (test image, label)
"" "
If not OS. Path. The exists (save_file) :
Init_mnist ()
With the open (save_file, 'rb') as f:
The dataset=pickle. The load (f)
If the normalize:
For the key in (' train_img ', 'test_img) :
The dataset [key]=dataset [key] astype (np) float32)
[key] the dataset/=255.0
If one_hot_label:
The dataset [' train_label]=_change_one_hot_label (dataset [' train_label '])
The dataset [' test_label]=_change_one_hot_label (dataset [' test_label '])
If not flatten:
For the key in (' train_img ', 'test_img) :
The dataset [key]=dataset [key]. Reshape (1, 1, 28, 28)
Return (a dataset [' train_img], the dataset [' train_label ']), (the dataset [' test_img], the dataset [' test_label '])
If __name__=="__main__ ':
Init_mnist ()
CodePudding user response: