Home > other >  For help! Unity shader how to use "samplerExternalOES" access to the android mobile phone
For help! Unity shader how to use "samplerExternalOES" access to the android mobile phone


In ARCore Unity SDK, ARBackGround shader USES the samplerExternalOES to access the camera texture, I ask this is how to achieve ? The Unity of a shader to use samplerExternalOES greet the android mobile phone camera texture, visiting (currently own android plugin, only through engage - & gt; Texture2D, again in the shader sampler2D is used to access and display the android camera texture), thank you!

Shader code is as follows, 44 exercise with uniform samplerExternalOES _MainTex;

The Properties {
_MainTex (" Texture ", 2 d)="white" {}
_UvTopLeftRight (" UV of top corners ", Vector)=(0, 1, 1, 1)
_UvBottomLeftRight (" UV of bottom corners ", Vector)=(0, 0, 1, 0)

//For GLES3 or GLES2 on device
ZWrite Off


# pragma only_renderers gles3 gles

# the extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3: the require
# the else
# the extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external: the require
# endif

Uniform vec4 _UvTopLeftRight;
Uniform vec4 _UvBottomLeftRight;

# ifdef VERTEX

Varying vec2 textureCoord;

Void main ()
Vec2 uvTop=mix (_UvTopLeftRight. Xy, _UvTopLeftRight. Zw, gl_MultiTexCoord0. X);
Vec2 uvBottom=mix (_UvBottomLeftRight. Xy, _UvBottomLeftRight. Zw, gl_MultiTexCoord0. X);
TextureCoord=mix (uvTop, uvBottom gl_MultiTexCoord0. Y);

Gl_Position=gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;

# endif

# ifdef fragments
Varying vec2 textureCoord;
Uniform samplerExternalOES _MainTex;

Void main ()
Gl_FragColor=texture (_MainTex textureCoord);
# the else
Gl_FragColor=textureExternal (_MainTex textureCoord);
# endif

# endif

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