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Jingdong cloud and doing serious hang the r&d team...


Jingdong abnormal network cloud area of north China yesterday afternoon, go to the website to see an announcement said is the emergency repair, also emphasized that this accident investigation as soon as possible, and the reason to make a subsequent announcement, however, until now still can't use, ah,,,, it is the loss of money,

Public cloud north China network abnormal announcement

Respect of customer: hello, on August 9, 2017, 17 o 'clock in the afternoon of the north China region, abnormal network host connectivity problems lead to some users, is currently in the emergency repair, network problems have begun to gradually returned to normal, we will check up as soon as possible to the fault, the cause of the problem and the subsequent processing and the related announcement, if you have any questions please contact us the repair order or call, to send you sorry again, the 2017-08-09 19:41:20 jingdong cloud team

CodePudding user response:

Jingdong cloud only appears on the front page of jingdong app, jingdong technology, in addition to make fake keywords, what cloud computing, which turned out to be a fool the user, let the user shopping itself was a "cloud" faster, is it doesn't make any sense! Jingdong client to open, then the speed, the loading speed is really not line, it took several seconds to your login, taobao, so many people use, open the application when logged on, is this just a few seconds, the sense that gives a consumer is a long wait, if you really want to development of cloud computing, the shopping experience to optimize well to say again first, rather than a stunt

Look at a double tenth year, ali cloud, powerful, became the patron saint of taobao shopping system, compared with tencent cloud, leading the latter for several years, let alone what jingdong cloud, it in the Internet age is a century, they only see see ali cloud powerful cloud computing tuyere, tuyere, now tencent jingdong to the top, waiting for tencent jingdong overturned

Jingdong is now various postures grab headlines, not practical, men around two times a year, jingdong is enough, is a shopping, is a return, jingdong cloud tencent cloud all have no practical use, mainly is the place that there is no breakthrough innovation, not heap more servers is the cloud, don't struggle, jingdong, out of tencent is bound and cloud computing

CodePudding user response:

Jingdong for such a big company, can't the first time to solve this problem, how to let the user trust, to the maintenance team to play soy sauce, speechless

CodePudding user response:

This is a really bad, and often meet with hanging, already can't use, data is critical

CodePudding user response:

How trouble again, technology needs further improve, hope to be able to repair as soon as possible,

CodePudding user response:

Decisive choice tencent cloud

CodePudding user response:

Now feel ali cloud and tencent cloud are ok,

CodePudding user response:

Jingdong cloud looks like the main is jingdong in yourself, the original poster can choose jingdong cloud ah

Now domestic comparison is ali cloud cloud service provider, huawei cloud, tencent and baidu cloud, cloud Ucloud, qingyun, advised to choose a mainstream large cloud service vendors, such products and also by the security services,
This several big cloud service providers, can consider huawei cloud, needless to say, huawei technology service is also very good, the other "don't have to liquidate customer data, without touching on data, don't touch the application" under the principle of also
Is big companies and government agencies to choose one of the reasons that huawei cloud, data for enterprise how important it is needless to say, you know ~

Stewards CloudEasy cloud is soft international's cloud services platform, has been committed to the industry of cloud, cloud to cloud or have users with a series of cloud services, we have any
about cloud computingDoubt can find cloud housekeeper oh, search "CloudEasy cloud housekeeper" attention we ~ http://www.csicloud.cn/

CodePudding user response:

refer to the eighth floor yinhaijin response:
feel ali cloud cloud and tencent are ok, now
tencent even, never find artificial customer service of a network company

CodePudding user response:

Tencent cloud is often a problem, processing efficiency is extremely slow,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the eighth floor yinhaijin response:
feel ali cloud cloud and tencent are ok, now

Ali cloud are ok, tencent can't feel, ali's customer service at the very least, the initiative service, tencent's nothing

CodePudding user response:

Actually now various routines cloud has its own disadvantages, after all, a variety of cloud is set up on a physical server

CodePudding user response:

Each platform has its own technical flaw, cloud computing stability is the need to consider or one of the problems that need to be solved
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