Home > other >  Hurry, master!!!!! Hive to integrate hbase partition table insert data times wrong: Must specify the
Hurry, master!!!!! Hive to integrate hbase partition table insert data times wrong: Must specify the


Hadoop version: hadoop -
Hbase version: hbase - 1.1.2
Hive version: apache - hive - 2.0.0 - bin

After integrating the hive and hbase, I created a link in the hive hbase table partition table, and then to the table when inserting data error, below is the insert statement and an error, please understand the answers,
Visited_in_hive is associated with the hbase table, ready to insert the data table; Hv_c_hb is a table in the hive (not the partition table), there are data, and fields and visited_in_hive,
Insert statement: insert into the table visited_in_hive partition (datetime='2016-03-05') select * from hv_c_hb;

Error: WARNING: Hive - on - MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a company's execution engine (i.e. for spark, tez) or using Hive 1 X releases.
The Query ID=test2_20160308092429_26a93c7c - b945 ff - 4329-98-47 a4067b579d
The Total jobs=3
Launching Job 1 out of 3
The Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there 's no reduce operator
Java. IO. IOException: org. Apache. Hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: Must specify the table name
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. FileSinkOperator. CheckOutputSpecs (FileSinkOperator. Java: 1106)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. IO. HiveOutputFormatImpl. CheckOutputSpecs (HiveOutputFormatImpl. Java: 67)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. JobSubmitter. CheckSpecs (JobSubmitter. Java: 268)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. JobSubmitter. SubmitJobInternal (JobSubmitter. Java: 139)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. The Job at $10. The run (1290) Job. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. The Job at $10. The run (1287) Job. Java:
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
At javax.mail. Security. Auth. Subject. The doAs (422) Subject. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Security. UserGroupInformation. DoAs (UserGroupInformation. Java: 1657)
At org, apache hadoop. Graphs. Job. Submit (1287) Job. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. JobClient $1. The run (575) JobClient. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. JobClient $1. The run (570) JobClient. Java:
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
At javax.mail. Security. Auth. Subject. The doAs (422) Subject. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Security. UserGroupInformation. DoAs (UserGroupInformation. Java: 1657)
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. JobClient. SubmitJobInternal (JobClient. Java: 570)
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. JobClient. SubmitJob (JobClient. Java: 561)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. Mr. ExecDriver. Execute (ExecDriver. Java: 432)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. Mr. MapRedTask. Execute (MapRedTask. Java: 138)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. Task. ExecuteTask (158) Task. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. TaskRunner. RunSequential (TaskRunner. Java: 101)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Driver. LaunchTask (1840) Driver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Driver. The execute (1584) Driver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Driver. RunInternal (1361) Driver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Driver. The run (1184) Driver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Driver. The run (1172) Driver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. ProcessLocalCmd (CliDriver. Java: 233)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. ProcessCmd (CliDriver. Java: 184)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. ProcessLine (CliDriver. Java: 400)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. ExecuteDriver (CliDriver. Java: 778)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. Run (717) CliDriver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. Main (645) CliDriver. Java:
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (497) Method. The Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. RunJar. Run (221) RunJar. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. RunJar. Main (136) RunJar. Java:
Under Caused by: org. Apache. Hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: Must specify the table name
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. FileSinkOperator. CreateHiveOutputFormat (FileSinkOperator. Java: 1128)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. FileSinkOperator. CheckOutputSpecs (FileSinkOperator. Java: 1103)
. 37 more
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: Must specify the table name
At org, apache hadoop. Hbase. Graphs. TableOutputFormat. SetConf (TableOutputFormat. Java: 188)
At org.apache.hive.com, mon. Util. ReflectionUtil. SetConf (ReflectionUtil. Java: 101)
At org.apache.hive.com, mon. Util. ReflectionUtil. NewInstance (ReflectionUtil. Java: 87)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. IO. HiveFileFormatUtils. GetHiveOutputFormat (HiveFileFormatUtils. Java: 300)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. IO. HiveFileFormatUtils. GetHiveOutputFormat (HiveFileFormatUtils. Java: 290)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. FileSinkOperator. CreateHiveOutputFormat (FileSinkOperator. Java: 1126)
. 38 more
Job Submission failed with exception 'Java. IO. IOException (. Org. Apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: Java lang. IllegalArgumentException: Must specify the table name)'