Home > other >  Python -m PIP install paddlepaddle installation fly blade problem, why?
Python -m PIP install paddlepaddle installation fly blade problem, why?


C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & gt;
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & gt; Python -m PIP install paddlepaddle -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
& in the indexes: https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
The Requirement already satisfied: paddlepaddle in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (1.5.1)
The Requirement already satisfied: rarfile in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (3.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: decorator in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (4.4.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: graphviz in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (0.11.1)
The Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (1.17.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: Pillow in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (6.1.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: six in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (1.12.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: prettytable in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (0.7.2)
The Requirement already satisfied: scipy; Python_version & gt;="3.5" in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (1.3.1)
The Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib; Python_version & gt;="3.6" in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (3.1.1)
The Requirement already satisfied: funcsigs in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (1.0.2)
The Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.20.0 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (2.22.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.1.0 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (3.9.1)
The Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (5.1.2)
The Requirement already satisfied: recordio>=0.1.0 from in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (0.1.7)
The Requirement already satisfied: me; Python_version & gt;="3.5" in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (3.4.4)
The Requirement already satisfied: opencv - python in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from paddlepaddle) (
The Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6, & gt;=2.0.1 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from matplotlib; Python_version & gt;="3.6" - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (2.4.2)
The Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from matplotlib; Python_version & gt;="3.6" - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (1.1.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: python - dateutil>=2.1 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from matplotlib; Python_version & gt;="3.6" - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (2.8.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from matplotlib; Python_version & gt;="3.6" - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (0.10.0)
The Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.9, & gt;=2.5 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from requests>=2.20.0 - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (2.8)
The Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1, & lt; 1.26, & gt;=1.21.1 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from requests>=2.20.0 - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (1.25.3)
The Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from requests>=2.20.0 - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (2019.6.16)
The Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0, & gt;=3.0.2 in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from requests>=2.20.0 - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (3.0.4)
The Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in c: \ python \ python37 \ lib \ site - packages (from protobuf>=3.1.0 - & gt; Paddlepaddle) (40.8.0)
WARNING: You are using PIP version 20.0.2; Clear that version 20.2.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'C: \ Python \ Python37 \ Python exe -m PIP install, upgrade PIP' command.

C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & gt;

My computer is window10 pro 64 - bit operating system

C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & gt; Java - version
Java version "1.8.0 comes with _73
"Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0 comes with _73 - b02)
The Java HotSpot (TM) 64 - Bit Server VM (build 25.73 - b02, mixed mode)

C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & gt; Python -v
Python 3.7.4

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