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# # description

HI2108 is a USB turn 4 serial interface control chip, provide four groups full-duplex asynchronous serial port UART1/2/3/4, asynchronous serial port extension for computers, or ordinary serial port equipment to upgrade to the USB bus, HI2108 is very suitable for Linux server/raspberry pie control in the motherboard/RS232/RS485 serial port expansion, such as

# # main feature

- working voltage 3.3 V,
- full speed USB2.0 interface,
Crystal - without external vibration, the range of temperature error of baud rate & lt; 0.2%,
- support from 300 BPS to 2 MBPS communication baud rate,
- LQFP - 64 lead-free packaging, compatible with RoHS,
- a serial port driver support: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/doing/Win10/Windows/Linux server,
- UART2/3 support CTS/RTS signals, all the UART support 485 can send and receive the pin,

# # function description

* HI2108 built-in electric reset circuit, need only an external RST pin a 0.1 uF capacitance can work,
* HI2108 built-in clock generator can generate 48 MHZ USB to USB controller and signal processing unit, and at the same time can through the USB bus SOF frame signal to internal clock circuit, dynamic calibration work, can guarantee the normal work of the whole temperature range USB and serial port (including serial port baud rate error & lt; 0.2%).

* HI2108 provide four groups full-duplex asynchronous serial port UART1/2/3/4 three UART2/support the RTS/CTS signal, all support 485 UART transceiver can make signal automatically, four groups supported by serial port data includes a low level start bit, 5,6,7,8 data bits, one or two high level stop bit, and support the parity bit. Support common baud rate 2400480 0960 0,19.2 K, 38.4 K, 57.6 K, 11.2 K, 230.4 K, 250 K, 460.8 K, 500 K, 921.6 K, 1 m, 2 m, the baud rate of serial port to send signal error less than 0.2%, a serial port allows baud rate error of received signal is not greater than 2%,

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