Home > other >  Everyone a great god, installed in the Linux openoffice, but there is mistake in code to connect, ca
Everyone a great god, installed in the Linux openoffice, but there is mistake in code to connect, ca


Everyone a great god, installed in the Linux openoffice, but there is mistake in code to connect, can you help to see
The DEBUG C.A.J.O.C onnection. SocketOpenOfficeConnection - connecting
Com. Artofsolving. Jodconverter. Openoffice. Connection. OpenOfficeException: connection failed: socket, host=localhost, port=8100, tcpNoDelay=1
At com. Artofsolving. Jodconverter. Openoffice. Connection. AbstractOpenOfficeConnection. Connect (AbstractOpenOfficeConnection. Java: 81)
At com. Grgbanking. Ytdms. Convert. JOD4DocToPDF. DocToPdfByOpenOffice (JOD4DocToPDF. Java: 109)
At com. Grgbanking. Ytdms. Job. FileTransformJob. DoJob (49) FileTransformJob. Java:
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
The at org. Springframework. Util. MethodInvoker. Invoke (MethodInvoker. Java: 269)
The at org. Springframework. Scheduling. Quartz. MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean $MethodInvokingJob. ExecuteInternal (MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean. Java: 257)
The at org. Springframework. Scheduling. Quartz. QuartzJobBean. Execute (QuartzJobBean. Java: 75)
The at org. Quartz. Core. JobRunShell. Run (JobRunShell. Java: 202)
The at org. Quartz. Simpl. SimpleThreadPool $WorkerThread. Run (SimpleThreadPool. Java: 573)
Under Caused by: com. Sun. Star. Lang. DisposedException: java_remote_bridge com. Sun. Star. Lib. Uno. Bridges. Java_remote. Java_remote_bridge @ 19359 d21 is disposed
At com. Sun. Star. Lib. Uno. Bridges. Java_remote. Java_remote_bridge. CheckDisposed (java_remote_bridge. Java: 715)
At com. Sun. Star. Lib. Uno. Bridges. Java_remote. Java_remote_bridge. The sendRequest (java_remote_bridge. Java: 634)
At com. Sun. Star. Lib. Uno. Bridges. Java_remote. Java_remote_bridge. SendInternalRequest (java_remote_bridge. Java: 682)
At com. Sun. Star. Lib. Uno. Bridges. Java_remote. Java_remote_bridge. GetInstance (java_remote_bridge. Java: 582)
At com. Artofsolving. Jodconverter. Openoffice. Connection. AbstractOpenOfficeConnection. Connect (AbstractOpenOfficeConnection. Java: 71)
. 11 more

Port also reviewed the
# ps - ef | grep openoffice
11269, 11081 Jun22 root? 00:00:05/opt/openoffice4/program/soffice bin - headless - accept=socket, host=localhost and port=8100: urp; - nofirststartwizard
Root 42871 38084 0 15:33 the PTS/2 00:00:00 grep openoffice

Service is also enabled
# lsof - I: 8100
Soffice. B 11269 root 14 u IPv4 12842171 0 t0 TCP localhost: xprint -server (LISTEN)

CodePudding user response:

Solve no, brother, I also report this fault
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