Home > other >  Python socket server package into exe file after the client not receive information nor end
Python socket server package into exe file after the client not receive information nor end


# # problem description

Oneself use socket module built a simple server, run directly server and client code can realize the communication, but the use of pycharm and pyinstaller module will server packaged into exe file, perform the service side exe file, the client has not receive the server sends the message, nor end

# # server code

` ` ` python
The import socket

The from multiprocessing import Process

# multi-process mode
Def handle_client (client_socket: socket. The socket) :
"" "
Handle the client request
: param args: client socket
: return:
"" "
# for the client request data
Request_data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/client_socket.recv (1024)
Request_data. Splitlines ()
Print (" request_data: "request_data)
# structure response data
Response_start_line="HTTP/1.1 200 0 k \ r \ n"
Response_header="Server: My Server \ r \ n"
Response_body="hello wangdaye
"The response=response_start_line + response_header + "\ r \ n" + response_body + "\ n"
Print (" response_data: ", the response)
# returned to the client corresponding data
Client_socket. Send (bytes (response, "utf8"))

# close client connection
Client_socket. Close ()

If __name__=="__main__ ':
Server_socket=socket. The socket (socket. AF_INET, socket. SOCK_STREAM) # using IPv4, using TCP protocol
# set the reuse
Server_socket. Setsockopt (socket. SOL_SOCKET, socket. SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
Server_socket. Bind (# (IP, PORT))
Server_socket. Listen (128)
Print (" service has been launched in {}, {} waiting connection... ". The format (IP, PORT))

While True:
Client_socket, client_address=server_socket. The accept ()
Print (" {}, {} connection ". The format (* client_address))
Handle_client_process=Process (target=handle_client, args=(client_socket,))
Handle_client_process. Start ()
Client_socket. Close ()

` ` `

# # the client code

` ` ` python
From the socket import *

# designated IP and port number

# specifies a maximum length of each cache read

# to instantiate a socket object, AF_INET said the use of IPv4 network layer, the transport layer using the TCP protocol

ClientSocket=socket (AF_INET SOCK_STREAM)

# connect server address
ClientSocket. Connect ((IP, SEVER_PORT))

While True:

# client input information
"Mobile_phone" : "13367899876",
"PWD" : "lemonban
If toSend=="exit" :
# encoded messages sent
ClientSocket. Send (toSend. Encode ())

# wait for the server return messages, here can't pass by keywords and
Recved=clientSocket. Recv (BUFLEN)
If not recved:
Print (" fanhuiweikong ")
# print decoding after return message
Print (recved. Decode ())
ClientSocket. Close ()

` ` `

CodePudding user response:

Is your server address, the client can only from the native access, test can, formal version must be wrong

CodePudding user response:

Blogger solved excuse me? I also encountered similar problems, python code can run normally, but not after the packaged into exe, checked a day a bug is indeed a socket to receive less than the information on sever

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor tianfang response:
is your server address, the client can only from the native access, tests can be, the official version certainly wrong

After packaged into an exe file is also in my run locally, not in other environments

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor gold saba response:
blogger solved excuse me? I also encountered similar problems, python code can run normally, but not after the packaged into exe, check the bug is indeed a socket to receive less than a day to the sever information

No, in a Flask framework server, after packaged into an exe file can send and receive messages
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