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Small flowmeter fault processing


Meter often appear problem, find out why yourself, you could just below are some common problem solving methods, should be able to solve your urgent needs,
A, flow fluctuation is bigger
For flow fluctuation caused by the larger reason can consider from the following several aspects:
1. The water is pulsating flow
(1) in general use pumped the raw material, if the traffic is installed near the pump, it is easy to produce pulsating flow, resulting in the flow fluctuation is bigger, the solution to increase the gap between the straight pipe of pump and flowmeter, flow stability,
(2) flowmeter installation location near the valve or bend position too, as raw material through the valve or bending part, cause the flow fluctuation, at this time should stay away from the valve and pipe bending position, guarantee of the straight pipe before and after the
2. Whether there is interference
Meter near the motor, inverter, high voltage interference sources, such as solution: meter instrument grounding, or add filter capacitance, if not solve, should stay away from disturbance sources,

Two, flowmeter show no flow solution
(1) the first check the line if there is a problem, such as signal loss, such as bolt,
(2) separate the sensor and the signal amplifier, signal amplifier connected to the instrument, with the iron metal in signal amplifier at the bottom of the range of 2 ~ 3 mm distance flip back and forth, such as instrument, according to the instructions displayed part have no problem, please send flow sensor from the pipe to unload, check the meter will be entangled or impeller impeller failure phenomenon,

Three, small flow meter according to flow, and the actual flow rate is larger
Generally the cause of the problem is the impeller rotating not slippery quick or blade fracture, will flow from the pipe down, check whether the flow meter is to be entangled or there is any breakage phenomenon,

Four, flow meter display error is bigger
(1) the first check the flow sensor coefficient K value and instrument other parameters is set up correctly
(2) the customer conditional case, the actual calibration using electronic scale calibration, such as flow repeatability is poor or not calibration, can contact with suppliers,

Daily fault through the above steps should can solve, there are other questions, or want to share with us the experience, can comment area, small make up will continue to update, welcome the attention,
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