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Technology - additional single window process single IP technology


Today to explain to you, what is a single window process single IP technology?
A single window process single IP, is refers to the computer running on each game window process are assigned a different IP for game

What's the use of the technology?
This technique is commonly used in many ways, since in this, of course, certainly can also be used for external aspect,
For game studios, game studios are batch processing time to produce money,
On a computer will often open dozens of hundreds of offline game client even client to hang some farm, it also found some problems
Because the game company also know the situation, so in order to prevent a lot of studio hang machine affect the balance between game players,
Some game company will to if it is a computer an IP landing on multiple or N account titles processing, and so on and so forth, as use bots,

So this will affect the game studios, not more than one machine, hang up the farm,
And there was the technology appear, single window process single IP technology

This technology can make the game studio
No longer need to spend a lot of money to go to pull a lot of independent studio computer IP network cable to avoid, game testing of more than 1 IP account hang up
It's easier to assign each game client running on a computer, an independent IP to use external hang some farm,

Single window process using IP is real IP, how?
As you know, if there is no network, according to the will not be able to log in game play, so the technology using IP, of course, is also real and effective
These IP, don't need to spend more than a large amount of money to pull cables used for multiple IP, the IP is belong to the proxy server IP,
Socket4 or socket5 proxy service IP
Taobao has sold, was clear to everyone to know that the price of it and related function,

This technique is to use the proxy server IP, to assigned to each process of the game window to a different IP game hang
The steps to implement the basic is like this:
1. Run the game client to enter account and password interface
About single window 2. Process setup code into the game client process DLL files of
3. Set up good socket4 or socket5 proxy IP information service, and then set the game client process of IP
4. Input a game account number and password when the game window process used by IP is set good specify the proxy server IP

Above is the use of this technology is the most basic steps, of course can also be simplified, such as written use the plugin to start the game client,
Then for each game client process DLL injection (DLL) containing sets the proxy server IP code,
Then assign a proxy server IP Settings, respectively to land the game account number again can, methods such as logging into multiple game account bulk
Just before you log in to your account, use first Game - EC driver module (click to download the latest version of the new process _ set IP address () command
To set up to use the proxy server IP, then log in game hang machine, so each game window process used by the IP are independent of the
Using process _ set the IP address () command
Can write similar to present on the network of all kinds of single process single IP software
For example:

The implementation is a computer, different game window process the proxy server IP to hang up the game,
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