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Skywalking Connect server timeout.


Windows installation Skywalking also normal boot
Client configuration
Skyapm. Json
"SkyWalking" : {
"ServiceName" : "WebApplication4,"
"Namespace" : ", "
"HeaderVersions" : [
"From" : {
"SamplePer3Secs" : 1,
"Percentage" : 1.0
"Logging" : {
"Level" : "Debug",
"FilePath: logs/skyapm - {Date}. The log"
"Transport" : {
"Interval" : 3000,
"ProtocolVersion" : "6",
"QueueSize" : 30000,
"BatchSize" : 3000,
"GRPC" : {
"The Servers" : "",
"Timeout" : 10000,
"ConnectTimeout" : 10000,
"ReportTimeout" : 600000
LaunchSettings. Json
"$schema" : "http://json.schemastore.org/launchsettings.json",
"IisSettings" : {
"WindowsAuthentication" : false,
"AnonymousAuthentication" : true,
"IisExpress" : {
"ApplicationUrl" : "http://localhost:20467",
"SslPort" : 0
"Profiles" : {
"IIS Express" : {
"CommandName" : "IISExpress,"
"LaunchBrowser" : true,
"LaunchUrl" : "API/values,"
"EnvironmentVariables" : {
"SKYWALKING__SERVICENAME" : "WebApplication4,"
"WebApplication4" : {
"CommandName" : "the Project",
"LaunchBrowser" : true,
"LaunchUrl" : "API/values,"
"ApplicationUrl" : "http://localhost:5000",
"EnvironmentVariables" : {
"SKYWALKING__SERVICENAME" : "WebApplication4,"

But an error even not
The 2019-08-30 09:24:05. 933 + 08:00 [asp.net - core - frontend] [Error] SkyApm. Transport. Grpc. ConnectionManager: Connect the server timeout.
System. Threading. Tasks. TaskCanceledException: Reached deadline.
At Grpc. Core. Channel. WaitForStateChangedAsync (ChannelState lastObservedState, Nullable1 deadline) in T: \ SRC \ lot \ Grpc \ SRC \ csharp \ Grpc Core \ Channel cs: line 139 at Grpc. Core. Channel. The ConnectAsync (Nullable1 deadline) in T: \ SRC \ lot \ Grpc \ SRC \ csharp \ Grpc Core \ Channel cs: line 220
The at SkyApm. Transport. Grpc. ConnectionManager. ConnectAsync ()

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

Could you tell me how to solve the

CodePudding user response:

With q

CodePudding user response:

"The Servers" : "", here I am with my computer's IP address: 11800
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