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Want to know the pressure transmitter? Fast forward!


Introduced: pressure transmitter is used to measure liquid, gas or steam liquid level, density and pressure, then the pressure signal into 4 ~ 20 ma DC signal output, there are mainly capacitance pressure transmitter and diffusion silicon pressure transmitter, ceramic pressure transmitter, strain type pressure transmitter, etc.,
A. The classification of the pressure transmitter
1. Gage pressure type pressure transmitter
Gage pressure type pressure transmitter is based on the local atmospheric pressure reference zero pressure transmitter,

2. Pressure transmitter:
Pressure transmitter is a vacuum for reference zero pressure transmitter, in use process, the sensor can reference zero along with the change of location area automatically adjust without correction, shape and gauge pressure type pressure transmitter,

3. Differential pressure transmitter:
Differential pressure transducer is measured between the pressure chamber pressure differential pressure transmitter, differential pressure transmitter with "+" and "-" two pressure cavity, undertake two as the pressure in the value, usually the pressure as a "+" at the end of the pressure cavity,
When your attention: order differential pressure sensor, please note that the differential pressure transmitter a static parameters, tolerance, for example, we applied the differential pressure transmitter when use "+" is the 10 mpa pressure on the pressure side, "-"
Pressure on the pressure side is 10.5 MPa, the differential pressure measurement by the transmitter is: 10.5-10=0.5 MPa
The transmitter is 10 mpa, the static pressure in the process of application, Gao Jing down the use of differential pressure field, the order of the differential pressure transmitter by static pressure should not be beyond the tolerance static pressure value of the differential pressure transmitter, otherwise, it is easy to damage,

4. Input/plug-in liquid level transmitter:
Liquid level transmitter is divided into input type and insertion type two kinds, in two forms, is the pressure is converted into a liquid deep, when the water depth of 1 m, is the 10 kpa pressure on the transmitter, when ordering this kind of sensor is note:
1. By measuring the density of production units should be told the
2. As the measurement of corrosive medium production units should be told,

5. The high temperature and pressure transmitter:
For measuring the environment temperature is too high or medium temperature is too high, must be used in high temperature and pressure transmitter, the transmitter has better zero temperature coefficient and temperature coefficient of sensitivity, under the environment of higher temperature can guarantee the accuracy of measurement, in order that type transducer please inform measurement medium temperature and environmental temperature, think convenient and reasonable response to the producers,
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