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Mir electronic development notes | Systemd STM32MP1 a variety of network communication management (o


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Systemd - networkd is a management network service program, can be used to manage Ethernet, WIFI, Bridges, EC20 network modules such as priority, and connection, cooperate systemd - resolved services are used together, the main purpose is to study the Ethernet, WIFI, EC20 module management at the same time, and in the specified priority to send and receive data,

2. Hardware resources

MYD YA157C - V2 development board

WIFI antenna

USB adapter plate

EC20 module


The router

3. Software resources

The Linux kernel 5.4.31

Systemd - networkd

Systemd - resolved

4. Environment for

Will be MYD YA157C - V2 burn-in mirror, connect the wifi, wifi antenna EC20 module connected to the USB port access lines, the router configuration wi-fi hotspots, and connect the network,

5. Steps

5.1. Check the environment

1) check the running status systemd - networkd

2) check the running status systemd - resolved

Active: the Active (running) running

3) check the DNS configuration file

Resolv.conf is resolv - the conf. Systemd soft connection

/sbin/resolvconf is/usr/bin/resolvectl soft connection

4) check the network management information

Lo local loopback no management on systemd

Eth0 Ethernet has on systemd management

Ppp0 EC20 module not on systemd management

Wlan0 wifi no management on systemd

5.2 check xx-xxx.net work

Systemd - networkd equipment of writing for xx-xxxx.net work, must end with a network, the former traversal can be carried in dictionary order, equipment configuration files can be placed a few directory:/etc/Systemd/network/,



Priority for the/etc/& gt;/run/& gt;/lib/,

In 5.1 have know Ethernet managed, here directly from its configuration files,

The new file/lib/systemd/network/50-wired.net work

Name=scheme under the eth all * eth opening device adapter

HDCP=ipv4 automatically obtain IP

RouteMetric 15 jump jump points points IP route can see the following information:

15 routing Metric jump points 15

Note: jump points can reflect the number of hops, the speed of path, path reliability, path throughput and management properties, the smaller the value of the Metric, the higher the priority,

With the content length is too long, the field development points three foreign release notes: development notes | Systemd STM32MP1 a variety of network communication management (on) development notes | Systemd realize STM32MP1 (middle) for the management of network communication development notes | Systemd STM32MP1 a variety of network communication management (bottom)

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