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OpenCV_python the outline of the great god to solve - OpenCV volume scheduling problems


The great god, solving

Error: CNTS=sorted (CNTS, the key=CV. ContourArea, reverse=True) [5]
Cv2. Error: OpenCV (4.2.0) C: \ \ projects \ OpenCV - python OpenCV \ modules \ imgproc \ SRC \ shapedescr CPP: 315: error: (- 215: an Assertion failed) npoints & gt;=0 & amp; & (the depth==CV_32F | | the depth==CV_32S) in function 'CV: : contourArea'

After the extraction of contour profile to by contour size sorting, but has been an error

Baidu to find for a long time also didn't find a solution to

CodePudding user response:

CNTS=cv2. FindContours (edged. Copy (), cv2. RETR_LIST cv2. CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) [0]
It is ok to change that last 1 to 0

Remember that in Opencv4 cv2. FindContour () only returns two values: contours, hierachy https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d73/tutorial_py_contours_begin.html.

So it should be

CNTS=cv2. FindContours (mask, cv2. RETR_TREE, cv2 CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) [0]
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