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Excuse me this when the customer wait for more than a certain time of the function code, how to chan


This my present is randomly generated some time the arrival of customers first, but then when the waiting time is too long, the function of the left thought for a long time didn't write, didn't also a bit idea, excuse me the following code what to change, or what some topic ideas to change
 import datetime 
Import the random
The class timeshow:
Def __init__ (self, time) :
Self. Time=time

Def alltime (self) :
Def closetime (self) :
# later=datetime. Datetime. Now () + datetime. Timedelta (minutes=self. Time) # open
# print (" closed the business end, store!" Y + later. Strftime (" % % m - H: % d % % m "))

Class a customer: customer #
Def __init__ (self, time, nowtime) :
Self. Time=time
Self. Nowtime=# nowtime business start time
The self. The column customer_num=0 #
the total number of customersSelf. Dicttime={} # dictionary to store the customer arrival time
The self. The temp=0
Def addcustomer (self) :
For I in range (self. Time) :
Self. Nowtime=datetime. Timedelta (minutes=1) + self. # nowtime customer arrival time
If customerPR & gt; Random. The random () : # random number is less than 0.5, add a customer
The self. The temp +=1
Self. Dicttime. Update ({self. Temp: self. Nowtime}) # customer arrival time to join the list
The self. The column customer_num +=1 # number + 1
Return the self. Dicttime
Def showcustomer (self) :
Print (" a total of {} customer ". The format (self. Column customer_num))
Return the self. The column customer_num

The class running: # waiter processing business
Def __init__ (self, num_peopel all_time, dic) :
The self. The solved=0 # number of completed
Self. All_time=# all_time operating time
The self. The temp=1 # record customer order processing
Self. Dic=dic # deposit customer arrival time
Self. Begin_time=self. Dic [self. Temp] # start processing time
End of the self. The end_time=0 # processing time
The self. The rd=0 # randomly generated clerk processing time
Self. Leave=0 # leave customers
The self. The finish=0 # complete customer
Self. TempMan=[] # temporary
Self. Deltemp=[]
Self. K=0
# for x in dic. Values () :
# print (x.s trftime (" % % Y - m - H: % d % % m "))
Def solved_num (self) :
For I in range (self. All_time) :
Self. Begin_time=self. Dic [self. Temp] # start time is the first element
Self. Rd=random. Randint (1, 5)
Self. End_time=self. Begin_time + datetime. Timedelta (minutes=self. Rd)
For the f in the self. Dic:
If self. Begin_time & lt; + 1=self. Dic [f] or the self. The dic [f + 1] <=self. End_time: # at the time of processing come
Self. K=list (self. Dic. Keys ()) [list (self) dic) values ()). The index (self. Dic) [f + 1]]
Self. TempMan. Append (self. K)
Break # beyond index stop
For j in self tempMan: # circulation processing time arrival customers
# wait for 2 minutes haven't processed
If self. Dic [j] + datetime. Timedelta (minutes=2) & lt; Self. End_time and self. Dic [j] in the self. Dic. The values () :
Self. K=list (self. Dic. Keys ()) [list (self) dic) values ()). The index (self. Dic) [j]]
Self. Deltemp. Append (self. K) haven't handle # 2 minutes to play to join
Del self. TempMan [self. K] # delete join
Self. Leave +=1
The continue
For x in the self. Deltemp: # circulation within two minutes haven't handle play
If the x in the self. Dic. Values () : # if two minutes later still in dic
Self. K=list (self. Dic. Keys ()) [list (self) dic) values ()). The index (x)] # to find out the corresponding key
Del self. Dic [self. K] # delete key in dic
The continue
Del self. Dic [self. Temp] # cycle a successful delete the complete customer
The self. The temp +=1 # customers processing order + 1
The self. The finish +=1 # complete the number of + 1
The self. The temp +=1 # if the deleted the customer processing order + 1 continue to cycle

Def the main () :
Print (" is the current time is: "+ datetime. Datetime. Now (). The strftime (" % % Y - m - H: % d % % m"))
Business_time=int (input (" please enter the operating time (minutes) "))
Begin_time=datetime. Datetime. Now ()
C=customer (business_time, datetime. Datetime. Now ())
C.a. ddcustomer (#) increase customer
C.s. howcustomer (#) according to the customer
R=running (Arthur c. ustomer_num, business_time c.d icttime)
R.s olved_num ()
Print (" leave number: {} ". The format (r.l eave))
Print (" the number of completed: {} ". The format (r.f inish))
# for x in r.t empMan:
# print (x.s trftime (" % % Y - m - H: % d % % m "))
# for the I in c.d icttime. Values () :
# print (i. trftime (" % % Y - m - H: % d % % m "))
If __name__=="__main__ ':
The main ()
# arrival time waiting time counting time
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