The simulation diagram:
The library ieee.
Use the ieee. Std_logic_1164. All;
The entity r_s is
The port (r, s, cp: in std_logic;
Q, qb: out std_logic);
End r_s;
Architecture behav of r_s is
Signal rs: std_logic_vector downto 0 (1);
Signal q_s qb_s: std_logic;
The begin
Rs<=s& R;
The process (rs, cp)
The begin
If the cp 'event and cp=' 1 'then
If the rs="11" then q_s & lt;=q_s; Qb_s & lt;=qb_s;
Elsif rs="01" then q_s & lt;=not q_s; Qb_s & lt;='1'.
Elsif rs="10" then q_s & lt;=not q_s; Qb_s & lt;='0'.
Elsif rs="00" then q_s & lt;=not q_s; Qb_s & lt;='X';
End the if;
End the if;
End the process.
Q<=q_s; Qb<=qb_s;
End behav.
Thank you, HHH ~
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X is the uncertainty... You this is a software problemCodePudding user response: