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The crawler code query problem


Pass the crawler to get the shop all the name of the goods, unit price and sales, and then write the following code, but has been an error, can you help to see is that what is going wrong, thank you

The import requests
The import re

Def getHtmlText (url) :
'authority' : 'me-too1980.taobao.com',
'method' : 'GET',
'path' : '/I/asynSearch. HTM? _ksTS=1606466671243 _136 & amp; The callback=jsonp137 & amp; Mid - 22507069265-0=w & amp; Wid=22507069265 & amp; Path=/search. Htm& Search=y& SPM=a1z10. 1 - c - s. hundreds ba78a4bjfYUkQ ',
'scheme' : 'HTTPS',
'accept' : 'text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x - ecmascript, */*; Q=0.01 ',
'the accept - encoding' : 'gzip, deflate, br',
'the accept - language' : 'useful - CN, useful; Q=0.9, en. Q=0.8, en - GB; Q=0.7, en - US; Q=0.6 ',
'cookies' :' cna=L3qgF0z1fzYCAXOudfa9Bs9A; T=b0ff490425c6e9789cd7b1f4355d2c82; Sgcookie=E100Vt88QJkcmkvNRBieAvzEL8KntYgf5606%2 b7mjneqtizobxip % 2 bbn4j6ostugmsg1cojdzej '
'aA4Rv7wBC5jfaY96g % 3 d % 3 d; Uc3=nk2=D9rlm5djaUbfsA % 3 d % 3 d & amp; Vt3=F8dCufwnjBZ3KgJvp3g % 3 d & amp; Lg2=VT5L2FSpMGV7TQ % 3 d % 3 d & amp; Id2=VyyX76rnQ % 2 ba % 3 d; LGC=lyw2073327; Uc4=nk4=0 '
'% 40 dfmlap2linszldoyhrpgmvznlbte & amp; 40 vxtygyhn5no6ybkaaoxxkcpnha id4=0% % 3 d % 3 d; Tracknick=lyw2073327; _cc_=UIHiLt3xSw % 3 d % 3 d; Enc=Ngu0DnS8%2 bphirgxmjwhtbd % 2 bo2wk3 '
'AZii4jNaSwBjhCYDzDbDv5DZLVqszwhIrMtUB7%2 fzooung82lnpoimqicka % 3 d % 3 d; Mt=ci=82 _1; THW=cn; HNG 7 CZH - CN=CN % % 7 ccny % 7 c156; Xlly_s=1; _samesite_flag_=true; '
'cookie2=19458 b4b63d3c65bcb564ced611db1b6; _tb_token_=ee559db67bee1; V=0; _m_h5_tk=6 b865df9243e0245a83a1020ffde836c_1606472572267; '
'_m_h5_tk_enc=c78a604959ad955b3cab2c8ba50b5e5d; Ucs 1=cookie14=Uoe0azJUmbQGew % 3 d % 3 d; 23 e1hvnqvuvbpvuvckvvvvvjiwp2dp0jlbrssptjyhpmpozjywp2ly6jd8rl pnm_cku822=098% '
'MZAj18RvhvCvvvvvvRvpvhvv2MMg9CvvOUvvVvJh % 2 fivpvuvvmvr6kipjtgvpvivvvvvhcvvvvvvvjlphvuoqvvvqcvpvacvvv2vhcv2rvvvvwvphvwgv9cvhqvpewvcluqd7zhvutkjrcni4modvqefwclyb'
'8 rjm7g % 2 bx7t % 2 bsiicexrzj7jrayvyo2v % 2 bb8raof6d7zvd3odn % 2 bclyw9xv7qefacly80kvvhvc9vhvvcvp8ocvvpvvumm; TFSTK=cbcRBvG77nxlUUax7YpcdaSUpH8cZNQ8xaZd9FlOe7G1Bo5dinhi6 '
'4 udfyzpqec.. ; L=eBaxkpAPOSzOUC - XBOfanurza77OSIRYouPzaNbMiOCP9Z1p502hWZRYJn89C3GVhsMDR3rEk3ObBeYBqIfXNmyn1xaaZ7Dmn; The isg=BFJSCPliWS0EuKUgSuu1ZWRgoxg0Y1b9mzmYjxyr '
'referer' : 'https://me-too1980.taobao.com/search.htm? SPM=a1z10. 1 - c - s. hundreds ba78a4bjfYUkQ & amp; Search,
=y ''the SEC - fetch - dest' : 'empty'
'the SEC - fetch - mode:' cors,
'the SEC - fetch - site' : 'the same - origin,
'the user-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64. X64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.67 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.47 ',
'x - requested - with' : 'the XMLHttpRequest'
R=requests. Get (url, headers=head_new)
R.r aise_for_status ()
R.e ncoding=of state Richard armitage pparent_encoding
Return r.t ext
Print (" crawl failure ")
Return ""

Def parsePage (ilist, HTML) :
Goods_name=re. The.findall (r '& lt; Img Alt=". *?" ', HTML)
Goods_price=re. The.findall (r 'c - price & gt;" \ d + \ \ d * & lt; ', HTML)
Goods_sale_count=re. The.findall (r 'sale - num "& gt; \ d + & lt; ', HTML)
For I in range (len (goods_name) :
Price=eval (re. The split (r '[& gt; |], goods_price [I]) [1])
Sale_count=eval (re. The split (r '[& gt; | & lt;] ', goods_sale_count [I]) [1])
Name=goods_name [I]. Split (' \ ') "[1]
Ilist. Append ([name, price, sale_count])
Print (" parse error ")

Def printGoodsList (ilist) :
Print ("=====================================================================================================")
TPLT="{0: & lt; {3} \ t 1: & lt; {70} \ t 2: & lt; 6} \ t {3: & lt; 6}
"Print (TPLT. The format (" serial number ", "product name", "price", "sales"))
The count=0
For g in ilist:
Count +=1
Print (TPLT. The format ([0] count, g, g [1], [2] g, g [3]))
Print ("=====================================================================================================")

Def the main () :
The depth=2 # Numbers here to search what page, this is a range, rather than only corresponds to the page, such as 2 means search 1-2 pages of data
Start_url="HTTP://https://me-too1980.taobao.com/i/asynSearch.htm? _ksTS="
For I in range (the depth) :
Url=start_url + '& amp;='+ pageNo STR (1 + I)
HTML=getHtmlText (url)
ParsePage (infoList, HTML)
The continue

PrintGoodsList (infoList)


CodePudding user response:

Taobao's official store tools, it is not necessary to work to get this
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