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Novice for help: tkinter after interface jump, checkButton unable to get variable


When using python tkinter in interface design, click on the button to return the result of the text box, and the result of the select button;

But after the new window, select the value of the button can't real return, and the text frame's demerit can return to normal, have a great god can help have a look at my new, thank you,

Or how can complete menu, new function,

The code is as follows:

The import tkinter as tk
The from tkinter import TTK
The from tkinter import Menu

Class WINDOWS1 (tk) Frame) :

Def __init__ (self, master=None) :
The self. The master=master
Tk. Frame. __init__ (self, master)
The self. The grid ()
The self. The button ()

Def fun_C (self) :
Print (self) chVarDis1) get ())
Print (self. Number. The get ())

Def button (self) :
Self. ChVarDis1=tk. IntVar ()
Self. Cheak1=tk. Checkbutton (self, variable=self. ChVarDis1)
Self. Cheak1. The grid (row=0, the column=1, sticky=tk. W, padx=5)
C=tk. IntVar ()
Self. Number=TTK. Entry (self, width=5, textvariable=c)
Self. Number. The grid (row=0, the column=0)
Self. For the=TTK. Button (self, text='ok', the command=self. Fun_C)
The self, for the grid (row=0, the column=2)

The class MenuBar (WINDOWS1) :

Def __init__ (self, master) :
Super (MenuBar, self) __init__ (master)
The self. The master=master
The self. The menubar ()

Def menubar (self) :
"' # the create menu bar" '
The self. The menu=menu (self)
Win. Config (menu=self. Menu)
Self. File_menu=Menu (self. Menu, tearoff=0) # Menu
Self. Menu. Add_cascade (label='File' menu.=the self file_menu)
Self. File_menu. Add_command (label='New', the command=self new_file)

Def new_file (self) :
Win2=tk. Tk ()
Win2. Geometry (' 180 x70)
WINDOWS1 (master=win2)

If __name__=="__main__ ':
Win=tk. Tk ()
Win. Geometry (' 180 x70)
# WINDOWS1 (master=win)
The MenuBar (master=win)
Win the mainloop ()

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